A face recognition payment system that allows you to pay subway fares 'just by looking at the camera' has appeared, and criticism that 'government surveillance will be strengthened'

In Moscow, the capital of Russia, a facial recognition payment system that allows you to pay fares just by looking at the camera has been introduced at more than 240 subway stations. Authorities have appealed that it is the first in the world to introduce a facial recognition payment system on such a scale, but there are also concerns that the government will use facial recognition cameras as a surveillance tool.
Moscow Metro Introduces'World's First'Pay-by-Face System --The Moscow Times
Privacy fears as Moscow metro rolls out facial recognition pay system | Russia | The Guardian
Moscow adds facial recognition payment system to more than 240 metro stations --The Verge
On October 15, 2021, the Moscow subway introduced a face recognition payment system called 'Face Pay' at more than 240 subway stations. 'This will allow all passengers to pay their fares without having to remove their smartphones, trains or bank cards,' said Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin.
Vse Passaziry Teper # Mosmetro Smogut Platit Za Proezd, Ne Dostavaa Telefon, 'Trojku' Ili Bankovskuu Kartu. Sistema Face Pay Zavtra Zarabotaet Na Bolee Cem 240 Stanciah. Pic.Twitter.Com/8x4xeFkbqW
— Сергей Собянин (@MosSobyanin) October 14, 2021
To use Face Pay, you need to pre-register your face photo and bank card information through the Moscow Subway mobile app. Registered users simply turn their faces to the camera at the ticket gate and the fare will be settled automatically.
Polzovatsa Sistemoj Ctoby, Nuzno Zagruzit Svoe Foto, Privazat Bankovskuu Kartu I Kartu 'Trojka' V Prilozenie 'Metro Moskvy'. Dla Prohoda Cerez Turniket Dostatocno Budet Prosto Posmotret V Kameru. Pic.Twitter.Com/uaCXR1qwHE
— Сергей Собянин (@MosSobyanin) October 14, 2021
Maxim Liksutov, deputy mayor of transportation in Moscow, said Face Pay, which allows payments without touching smartphones or other surfaces, is in Russia, where vaccination has not progressed and the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) continues. Claims to be meaningful. Moscow officials expect that 10-15% of passengers will use Face Pay in the next few years, hoping to reduce queues and waiting times.
Meanwhile, activists have pointed out that Face Pay has privacy concerns. 'This is a new and dangerous step in Russia's attempt to push the control of its people. How this application really is,' said Stanislav Shakirov , founder of Russian NGO Roskomsvoboda, which supports digital rights protection. We need to ensure complete transparency as to whether it works. '
Already in Moscow, a face recognition system with a network of more than 175,000 surveillance cameras has been deployed in the name of identifying suspects. 'We are approaching an authoritarian state like China that has mastered facial recognition systems. The Moscow subway is a government agency and all data could be in the hands of law enforcement agencies.' Insisted.
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