A former high school student hacker who hacked the entire school district and played 'fishing videos' to 6 high schools fully disclosed the circumstances at that time



In April 2021, a high school district in Illinois, USA, was hacked, and Rick Astley's MV ' Never Gonna Give You Up' was hacked from all devices connected to the school network at six high schools in the district. There was an incident in which '' was swept away. Men of the time high school students who made this hack, the largest ever Rick roll says the whole story.

IoT Hacking and Rickrolling My High School District | WhiteHoodHacker

The following is when the network of Township High School District 214, the second largest high school district in Illinois, was hacked on April 30, 2021 and the same footage was shown on the displays of six schools in the district all at once. It is a video containing the pattern of.

I hacked and rickrolled my entire high school district --YouTube

On the screen in the classroom, you will see a guide saying 'I have important information' and a countdown.

The countdown went to zero while the classroom was quiet.

The next moment, the video of 'Never Gonna Give You Up' was shown on the screen.

When I went out into the corridor, there were many students who were confused about something.

'Never Gonna Give You Up' is playing at a loud volume from another classroom.

Rick Astley's singing voice and the laughter of students who were amused by the situation echoed throughout Elk Grove High School.

The hack was done by Minh Duong, a fourth-year student at Elk Grove High School at the time. At the time of writing the article, he was studying computer science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. With this hack, Duong succeeded in showing the same video from the displays at six high schools in the ward.

It all started when Duong was interested in school security when he was in his first year of high school and, for fun, scanned ports in the entire IP address range of the school district network with his friends. Duong recalls himself at the time as 'a

script kiddie who didn't understand ethics and responsibilities.'

Duong, who thoroughly scanned the ports of high schools in the ward, found that there were ports for printers, IP phones, and security cameras without passwords. The school district's technical team, who received a report on the issue, responded by adding a security camera to the access control list , but said many devices were still at risk. In particular, there was a problem that if you access the management system called Avedia Server used for IP broadcasting in the school district or the receiver of the same manufacturer, you can broadcast the same video all at once in the school district.

Duong was happy to see that he could break into the system and completely forgot about it, but in 2021 when he was in his fourth year, he came up with the idea of playing a prank using IP broadcasting as a graduation memorial. In the school district including Mr. Duong's high school, classes were held as a hybrid of face-to-face lessons and remote lessons due to the influence of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, but from April 5th, most current students will go to school. Mr. Duong decided to hack because he felt that it was worth the mischief.

Mr. Duong, who planned a strategy called 'Big Rick' by playing with Rickroll with friends gathered at Discord etc., took control of systems such as projectors and TV monitors one after another aiming for the decision on April 30th. At night school, we made preparations by testing whether any image could be projected from the projector.

Then, 'Big Rick' is executed at 11:00 on April 30th, which is between classes so as not to interrupt the class, from the projector in the classroom to the TV in the hall and the monitor in the cafeteria that displays the lunch menu. I played 'Never Gonna Give You Up' from any display connected to the network in. Also on the same day, I sent a pre-prepared report on security issues to the school district's technical manager.

A few days after 'Big Rick,' Duong received an email from the school district's technical officer stating, 'I have decided not to punish.' On the contrary, he said he thanked him for the detailed investigation report. However, it is possible that the ward was held liable if the ward did not show its understanding, as it was nothing more than a fraudulent hack to break into the network without permission.

Therefore, Duong said, 'I am grateful to the administrator of District 214 for understanding. This article is for educational purposes. Please do not gain unauthorized access to the network.'

in Video,   Security, Posted by log1l_ks