Apple implements major specification changes to the App Store, such as 'Developers can contact users by email outside the app'

Apple, US developers agree to App Store updates --Apple

Apple agrees to settle potential class action suit by US developers --Axios
Apple will let developers email users about payments outside iOS --Protocol — The people, power and politics of tech
Apple finally agrees to let app developers communicate with their customers --The Verge
Apple has prepared the following seven proposals to bring the class action proceedings to settlement.
◆ 1:
For small developers, Apple and developers are at least in the future to verify the success of the App Store Small Business Program, which reduces fee collection on the App Store from 30% to 15%. We have agreed to keep the program as it is for three years. Companies with annual sales of less than $ 1 million will continue to receive fee reductions, but larger developers will pay a prescribed fee (30% of sales). is needed.
◆ 2:
In response to developer requests, Apple continues to adopt the traditional method of 'displaying search results on the App Store based on objective characteristics such as downloads, ratings, text relevance, and user behavior.' To do. The settlement guarantees that the existing App Store search system will be maintained for the next three years.
◆ 3:
To allow developers to interact directly with their customers, Apple will allow developers to use email and other means to notify users of payment method information outside the app. This allows app developers to offer users a billing option that doesn't go through the App Store and avoid paying Apple fees. However, the user will have the right to opt out of emails from the app developer.
◆ 4:
Apple will increase the number of pricing available to developers for subscriptions, in-app purchases, paid apps, and more from less than 100 to more than 500. This gives developers more freedom and a wider range of pricing.
◆ 5:
If the developer refuses to publish the app due to mistreatment, we will continue to have the option to appeal to Apple about this. In addition, Apple will add dedicated content on App Review to show how the developer appeal process is handled.
◆ 6:
Over the last few years, Apple has published a lot of new information about the App Store. Based on these data, Apple has agreed to produce an annual transparency report. This report includes the app review process, including the number of apps that were denied publication on the App Store for a variety of reasons, the number of deactivated user and developer accounts, and objective data about search queries and results. It is said that it contains meaningful statistical data related to.
◆ 7:
As the world suffers from the pandemic of the new coronavirus, Apple has announced that it will set up a fund to support small American developers. Eligible developers must have an App Store developer account between June 4, 2015 and April 26, 2021, and have annual sales of $ 1 million or less during the same period. I have. In addition, Apple said that 99% of American application developers fall under this condition, and said that it invested 100 million dollars (about 11 billion yen) in the fund. The details of this fund will be announced at a later date.
In addition to this, Apple will also collect '15% of sales' as a fee in the 'News Partner Program' where news media provides content to Apple's news app 'Apple News' using Apple News Format. Announced that it will be lowered to.

Plaintiffs Steve Berman said, 'The hard-earned settlement is an American developer who distributes digitalware through the App Store, especially a small developer who has spent so much creativity and energy on the job. It will be a meaningful improvement for us. '
'We thank all the developers who supported the App Store goals and decided to settle with us for the benefit of all users,' said Philip Schiller, an Apple Fellow.
The settlement will be agreed with the approval of Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, who was in charge of the proceedings.
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