Pirate Party lawmakers vehemently oppose 'attempts by businesses to scan messages and chats to detect child pornography'

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On July 6, 2021, the European Parliament , the EU legislative body, relaxed the law requiring web service providers to keep communications confidential and scan SNS and emails to detect child abuse content. We have passed a bill to approve. European Parliamentarian Patrick Breyer has pointed out the problem on the official website, saying that 'monitoring messages and chats jeopardizes privacy.'

Messaging and Chat Control – Patrick Breyer

On July 6, the European Parliament passed a bill to temporarily relax the regulations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Directive (2002/58 / EC) and allow web service providers to scan child abuse content. .. The bill will allow businesses to scan chats, images, videos and other communications exchanged via email and social media, and if they discover child abuse, they can suspend communications and notify law enforcement agencies. ..

A law that requires companies to check for child pornography in SNS exchanges has been passed in the EU, and criticism that it 'injures children' is also --GIGAZINE

The bill passed this time only gives permission to scan companies, and does not impose any obligation on companies that provide services to scan content related to child pornography. However, the additional bill, which is scheduled to be passed in the fall of 2021, will require screening for all related companies.

Some members of the European Parliament have blamed the debate for its hasty and pointed out privacy and security issues. Among them, Mr. Breyer, who belongs to the German Pirate Party , which advocates the freedom of the Internet, said, 'The adoption of the EU's first regulation on large-scale surveillance allows free and highly confidential communication among victims of abuse and the press. It's a sad event for all who support it. '

Mr. Breyer also publishes a warning article on his official website about monitoring messages and chats in the EU. In this, Mr. Breyer said that automated processes using AI are error-prone, and content and metadata that AI considers suspicious are sent to private organizations and law enforcement agencies without human verification. Pointed out that it would end up. It claims that automated message and chat monitoring would destroy the confidentiality of digital communications.

In addition, Mr. Breyer is the EU that scans messages and chats to detect child pornography in 10,265 citizens living in the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain, Sweden and Ireland. We are conducting a questionnaire asking whether we agree or disagree with our plan. The results also found that 72% of respondents were against the plan, and Mr. Breyer said the majority of EU citizens did not support the EU's efforts.

Breyer states that monitoring messages and chats by businesses has the following implications and concerns:

-All chat and email content is automatically checked for suspicious content without a court order.
• If the algorithm determines that the content of the message is suspicious, companies or law enforcement agencies may view private photos. In other words, photos taken or saved with a legitimate agreement may be seen by a third party.
• Filters that recognize child-inviting texts often mistakenly flag the interactions of intimate couples, which can lead to companies and law enforcement agencies reading private texts.
・ There is a possibility that innocent ordinary people will be investigated by mistakenly flagging 'family photos taken in the sea'.
• If similar scans are performed in other countries, data may be passed to countries that do not have strict data protection rules when traveling abroad.
• Hackers and intelligence agencies can snoop on the content of a message if the secure encryption is removed so that the message can be screened.
• Setting a precedent for companies to scan the content of messages and chats could be applied to other purposes in the future. For example, it could extend beyond child pornography to piracy and substance abuse, and in some countries to monitor dissidents and democracy activists.

The bill also aims to prevent sexual exploitation of children, but Breyer points out that indiscriminate message and chat surveillance is controversial among victims of sexual exploitation. For example, being 'supervised by someone' can undermine the sense of security online and discourage seeking counseling and support, as well as the hands of corporate employees and law enforcement investigators. There is also concern that sexual images will be passed on to him, Breyer said.

So Breyer argued that dealing with sexual exploitation should improve law enforcement investigative capabilities and resources rather than monitoring civilian messages and chats. He said it is necessary to expand support for victims of sexual exploitation, provide children with opportunities to educate children about online safety, and take measures to prevent damage in advance.

Breyer said the bill hasn't received much media attention, with people asking lawmakers, media and companies about the issue, and using hashtags such as '#chatcontrol' and '#secrecyofcorrespondence' on social media. I am appealing to discuss it.

In recent years, the momentum for efforts to sexually exploit children has increased, so apart from the EU, Apple also announced that it will 'scan photos and messages on the iPhone to prevent sexual exploitation of children.' Efforts to examine images sent and received by messaging apps and photos uploaded to iCloud have been pointed out as 'damaging user privacy and security,' Apple explained that the series of efforts does not impair privacy. The FAQ is open to the public.

Apple announces FAQ that 'detection of child sexual abuse material does not impair privacy' --GIGAZINE

in Web Service,   Security, Posted by log1h_ik