More than 175,000 people sign Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' petition 'Don't come back from space'

On July 20, 2021, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos flew in space on the rocket of his own space development company, Blue Origin, and returned safely to Earth about 10 minutes later. For Mr. Bezos, a signature movement was developed on the ground saying 'Please do not come back as it is', and at the time of writing the article, more than 175,000 people have agreed.
More than 160,000 people sign petition to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth | indy100
In June 2021, Bezos announced that he would participate in Blue Origin's first manned space flight, revealing that he would leave space on July 20.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos reveals that he will travel to space in July 2021 --GIGAZINE

As Bezos prepares for space flight, a user named Ric G began signing in June on the online signing site with the title 'Don't allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth.'
The signator's founder said of the campaign, 'Millionaires go on space trips to the face of workers who work desperately just to get their daily food. There are a lot of real and concrete problems on the planet that can be solved if only a handful of millionaires decide to 'good'. Money is needed to eliminate hunger, homelessness and poverty. It costs, but if you have the money to build multiple mansions or buy multiple yachts, you can do anything. Billionaires and large corporations should bear the cost of social support fairly. In particular, Jeff Bezos should stay in space until he finds compassion and humanity somewhere in the galaxy. '
On July 20, Mr. Bezos, who flew into space as scheduled, returned safely after completing a space trip of about 10 minutes. Bezos, who landed in the Texas desert with a return capsule, commented on his impressions of going to space, 'It's the best day ever!'
On the other hand, the campaign that Mr. Bezos wants to stay in space without returning has collected more than 175,000 signatures at the time of writing the article, and the target of 200,000 is just around the corner.
Campaign · Do not allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth ·
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