If you sleep less than 6 hours in a row, your physical and mental damage will continue to worsen, and you need to get enough sleep on weekdays.

Sleep plays an important role in maintaining the physical and mental health, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) in 2015 'appropriate sleep time in adults is 7-9 hours' and

recommended we are. Some people who are busy with work may secure their sleep time by 'cutting down their sleep time on weekdays and sleeping on holidays', but at the University of South Florida , about sleep In a new paper, researcher Sumi Lee reports that 'less sleep for just one day causes mental and physical damage, and you have to sleep for more than 6 hours to recover.' ..

Naturally Occurring Consecutive Sleep Loss and Day-to-Day Trajectories of Affect and Physical Well-Being | Annals of Behavioral Medicine | Oxford Academic

Drama llama or sleep deprived? New study uncovers how consistent sleep loss impacts mental and physical well-being I USF News

Although Lee has long been known to impair performance, mood, and energy the next day with just one day of sleep deprivation, many studies are based on experiments that deliberately adjust a subject's sleep time. Pointed out. Therefore, this time, using data from Midlife in the United States (MIDUS), a longitudinal study of middle-aged people in the United States, we investigated the naturally occurring sleep deprivation in daily life and its effects on emotions and the body. He said he did.

The study used data from 1958 middle-aged, relatively healthy and well-educated people who reported sleep time, emotional and physical behavior for eight consecutive days. Lee adjusted for socio-demographic and underlying health variability to analyze the impact of sleep time on daily life.

As a result, 42% of the subjects slept for at least one day and less than 6 hours. Subjects reported increased feelings of anger, nervousness, loneliness, irritation, and frustration as a result of lack of sleep, as well as physical adverse effects such as upper respiratory and gastrointestinal problems and other health concerns. He reported that it had increased. In addition, these negative emotions and physical symptoms continued to worsen as the days of sleep deprivation continued, and although they settled down once on the 3rd day, the physical symptoms worsened further on the 6th day. thing. The only way to recover the negative effects of sleep deprivation to baseline was to sleep for at least 6 hours.

One-third of adults living in the United States can sleep less than 6 hours a day. Lee warns that habituation of less than six hours of sleep makes it even harder for the body to recover from sleep deprivation, and this virtuous cycle worsens daily health.

'Many of us think we can pay our sleep debt on weekends and be more productive on weekdays, but the results of this study show that we have only one day of sleep deprivation. It shows that it can significantly impair your daily functioning. '

In addition, Mr. Lee reported in 2019 the research result that 'work efficiency deteriorates even if sleep time is shortened by only 16 minutes'.

Research results show that shortening sleep time by only '16 minutes' reduces work efficiency --GIGAZINE

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik