What is the real thing of the FBI sting operation encrypted communication app 'Anom' that arrested 800 criminals?

It was reported in June 2020 that the app used by criminals and criminal organizations for encrypting communications was actually a tool developed by the FBI for sting operations, and app users were arrested all at once. I did. Information on what the encrypted communication service ' Anom ' developed by the FBI was like was not disclosed, but people who actually got Anom-equipped smartphones are appearing one after another, and the contents are It is open to the public.

We Got the Phone the FBI Secretly Sold to Criminals


In June 2021, it was reported that 800 criminal suspects were arrested by the fake encrypted communication network 'Anom', which was secretly developed and operated by the FBI for sting operations.

800 criminals arrested on FBI-operated fake encrypted communication network 'Anom'-GIGAZINE

The FBI has not released information on how Anom actually worked, but Motherboard, a technology news media, said that it got a smartphone equipped with this Anom. The smartphone that Motherboard got was Google Pixel 4a , and when unlocked, famous apps such as Instagram, Netflix, Facebook, Tinder were lined up on the home screen, but all of them did not respond even if tapped and could not be used Motherboard reports that it was in a state.

Then, once you reset your device and enter a different PIN code, you will see 'Arcane OS' instead of Android. In ArcaneOS, apps such as calculators, clocks, and device settings are lined up ...

It seems that tapping the calculator icon opens the message 'Please enter your Anom ID and password' and the login screen instead of the calculator.

The person who provided the terminal to Motherboard said that he got the smartphone in question as an 'inexpensive Android device' at a certain site. However, when I actually picked it up, I realized that 'this is not just an Android device' and contacted Motherboard. After that, Motherboard analyzed and found that Anom was installed on the smartphone.

After the FBI unveiled its Anom-powered strategy, some upset Anom users sold their Anom-powered smartphones to the unsuspecting public on the Internet. The person who provided the device to Motherboard lives in Australia, but another person who informed Motherboard that he had obtained an Anom-equipped smartphone lives in Lithuania, and the existence of Anom-equipped smartphones has been confirmed all over the world.

The Lithuanian resident got the device at an 'impossible low price,' and commented, 'I now understand why it was so cheap.' This person's terminal was not able to access the Anom login screen, but the PIN code settings etc. remained.

In addition to the fact that it is equipped with ArcaneOS, Anom-equipped smartphones have the feature that 'there is no position tracking on / off setting', the feature that the arrangement of the PIN code input screen changes, and the data in the terminal is remote. It is said that the feature of the wipe function that erases by operation was seen.

The FBI declined to comment on this matter.

in Mobile,   Software,   Security, Posted by darkhorse_log