'Corona Game' is a game that allows you to simulate how the spread of infection will change due to support for the new Corona.

The effects of the new coronavirus pandemic vary by country and region, but the reason for the different speeds of spread is how quickly measures such as out-of-home bans and mandatory masks were taken. A game 'CoronaGame ' that allows you to simulate how these infection spread prevention measures will affect you has appeared, and you can experience the difficulty of countermeasures during a pandemic.
Welcome · CoronaGame

To play the game, access the above URL and click 'Play'.

The game screen looks like this.
At the top left of the screen, 'Date (3/1/2020: March 1, 2020)', play / stop button, 'Social stability', and 'Hospital capacity used' are displayed. Before the game starts, the social stability is 100% and the bed usage rate is 64%.

In the upper right corner of the screen, there are measures that players can take to stop the spread of the new coronavirus. The measures provided are 'Mask, hand, distancing', 'Close borders', 'Events', 'Services', and 'Schools'. '(School)' and 'Extra compensation', 'Open everything' and 'Full lockdown' are buttons that automatically select the appropriate measures. is.
So, let's play it right away. Click 'Play' at the bottom of the red frame.

Then, the following graph appears in the red frame part. The graph shows the number of new coronavirus infections per day. The '+13' on the graph is the number of newly infected people as of March 1, 2020, the number of deaths in the skull icon part, and the new coronavirus in the part where 'CZK 1,923' is written. The total amount of money spent on countermeasures and the number of people who have acquired immunity (the number of people who have recovered from infection) are displayed in the injection icon part.

Click the play button in the red frame to start the simulation. If left unattended without taking any measures, the number of infected people will increase rapidly ...

The number of newly infected people per day has exceeded 1000.

If left unattended, the message '11 people died a day from the new coronavirus' will be displayed, prompting you to take some measures.

So, when I clicked on 'Full lockdown', 'Mask, hand, distancing' was obligatory, and the maximum number of people in the event was reached. Was limited to 10 people, only retail stores dealing with daily necessities were open, and the school was closed.

However, the lockdown measures were too late, and the number of infected people has not stopped increasing. The green dot is the timing when the lockdown measures were taken, but you can clearly see that the number of newly infected people has been increasing since then. In addition, the bed usage rate is approaching 100%, and the collapse of medical care is imminent.

The in-game lockdown took place on March 26, after the number of newly infected people exceeded 5,000 per day. It was about a month after the lockdown that the number of new infections per day fell below 5,000. Even so, the bed usage rate is still high at 87%, and social stability has declined from 100% to 65%, indicating that the long-standing lockdown has caused public dissatisfaction.

The number of newly infected people has returned to the pre-pandemic level ...

While requiring 'Mask, hand, distancing', we completely removed restrictions on events, stores, and schools.

Then, the number of infected people increased rapidly again in about one month.

So we implemented a complete lockdown again. In addition, as social stability remained low at 66%, we also implemented a new 'Extra compensation'.

Although the compensation temporarily increased the stability of society, the bed usage rate exceeded 100% due to the delay in lockdown measures ...

Along with that, the stability of society has declined again.

When you actually perform various simulations using 'Corona Game', you can clearly see that even if you take measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, it will take some time before the effect becomes clear. Therefore, if the measures to prevent the spread of infection are delayed a little, the number of newly infected people per day will increase at once, the bed usage rate will also increase, and the medical collapse will not be waited for. If the bed usage rate exceeds 100%, social stability will decline and the national treasury will be squeezed, no matter how much compensation is provided, so balanced infection prevention measures will be taken in consideration of various factors. It is a content that clearly shows the difficulty of doing.
In 'Corona Game', in order to infer the epidemic process of infectious diseases, based on the model called 'SIR model ', the element 'people who recover from infection acquire immunity to the virus' is added, and multiple variables are used. I am doing a simulation. However, the developer wrote that 'the pandemic of the new coronavirus has too unknown variables to simulate, so it is impossible to create an accurate mathematical model', and it is played as a simulation game rather than an accurate simulation. I emphasize that it should be.
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in Review, Web Service, Game, Posted by logu_ii