'FINAL FANTASY IX' becomes an anime series

French animation production company
Kidscreen »Archive» Cyber Group lines up Final Fantasy IX series

Final Fantasy 9 Is Getting An Animated TV Series --Game Informer
Pierre Sisman, CEO of Cyber Group Studios, told Kidscreen that he had launched an animated project for the Final Fantasy series, saying, 'We plan to start marketing to broadcasters in the coming months.' .. CEO Sisman has stated that production will begin between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022.
The outline of FINAL FANTASY IX is as follows.
A group of theatrical company Tantalus who came to the kingdom to celebrate the birthday of Princess Garnet of Alexandria.
However, the true figure of the theater company Tantalus was a bandit, whose purpose was to kidnap the princess.
Meanwhile, at that time, Bibi, a black mage boy who came to see the play, was at a loss when he was caught by a fake ticket.
Set in a fantasy world like a picture book, thieves Jitan, Princess Garnet, and Bibi meet, and while holding their own thoughts, they are involved in an epic adventure around crystals.
FINAL FANTASY IX was released as a title for PlayStation in July 2000, and has sold over 5 million copies worldwide. At the time of article creation, there are iOS version , Android version , Steam version , PlayStation 4 version , Nintendo Switch version , Xbox One version, etc.
In addition, CEO Sisman said about this animation, 'For those who know FINAL FANTASY IX, this will be a strong first experience, and for those who do not know it will be a chance to find a new loved world. '.
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