What are the 'characteristic symptoms' that appear on the nails after being infected with the new coronavirus?

The typical symptom of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is the respiratory system, but as sequelae

, damage to the heart and brain damage have been reported. Meanwhile, the various marks that remain on the nail of the people who developed COVID-19 University of East Anglia serves as the circulatory system of the lecturer at Vassilios Vassiliou Mr. summarizes.

The red half-moon nail sign: a novel manifestation of coronavirus infection

COVID-19 and nail manifestation: be on the lookout for the red half-moon nail sign --Méndez-Flores --2020 --International Journal of Dermatology --Wiley Online Library

COVID nails: these changes to your fingernails may show you've had coronavirus

In multiple COVID-19 patients, 'a symptomatology in which a red crescent-shaped line emerged in the white part at the base of the nail' was confirmed about 2 weeks after the onset of COVID-19. 'This symptom may be due to blood vessel damage or an immune response caused by COVID-19,' Basiliu points out.

This symptom disappears in 1 to 4 weeks, so no special treatment is required. 'It's rare for these red crescent-shaped lines to appear on the nails, so it's possible that this symptom is associated with a new coronavirus infection,' Basiliu claims.

Some COVID-19 patients develop a condition called

'Beau's line, ' in which dents appear on all fingernails. 'Beau's line occurs when nail growth is temporarily interrupted by physical stress such as infections, malnutrition, and side effects of drugs. These stresses are caused by COVID-19. It is believed that this is the case, 'he said, pointing out the relationship between COVID-19 and the Beau's line.

In addition, the following nail symptoms have been confirmed in COVID-19 patients. In this patient, the base of the nails of the limbs began to loosen after the onset of COVID-19, and the nails completely fell off about 3 months after the onset. According to Mr. Basiriu, this symptom is called onicoptosis , and like the Beau's line, it develops when the body is stressed.

Furthermore, 112 days after the positive confirmation of the new coronavirus was confirmed, it was reported that the tip of the nail turned yellow ...

It has been reported that 45 days after the positive confirmation of the new coronavirus,

a symptom called 'Mees' line', in which white streaks appear on the nails, appeared.

According to Mr. Basiriu, the relationship between these three symptoms and COVID-19 is unknown due to the small number of patients. He also said that the relationship between the 'red crescent-shaped line' and the Beau's line and COVID-19 is not clear, and that further cases need to be collected.

'Even though these symptoms are associated with COVID-19, it is important to remember that these symptoms do not appear in all patients who develop COVID-19,' said Basiliu. , These symptoms do not mean that you are infected with the new coronavirus, 'he said, arguing that the symptoms of the nails should not be short-circuited with COVID-19.

in Science, Posted by log1o_hf