It is talked about that the movie shot with a small camera attached to the neck of the cat is too cute

Many cat owners may have wondered, 'How is this kid spending time where he isn't looking?' In order to solve such a question, you can see a part of the cat's lovely life by watching a movie that was actually shot with a small camera attached to the neck of the domestic cat.
British Man Attached A Tiny Bluetooth Camera To His Kitten's Collar For 24 Hours To See What His Cat's Secret Life Looks Like | Bored Panda
This is Ralph, a cat owned by Chris, who posted a video on the YouTube channel Half-Asleep Chris.

Ralph, who used to be an outsider, was often away from home for a long time. So when Chris installed a GPS transmitter on Ralph and a night-vision camera at home, Ralph was visiting his neighborhood ...

It was discovered that I had a secret meeting with my girlfriend.

With Chris's move, Ralph became a completely indoor cat, but he often spends the day in a place that Chris can't see.

Half-jokingly, 'I'm sure you're planning to conquer the world or something,' Chris decided to attach a small camera to Ralph's neck. This time, Chris used a camera called 'Insta360 GO 2'.
Regarding the reason why I attached a camera to my indoor cat, Chris said, 'Ralph and his sister Bella are slapstick all day when I'm at home, apparently different from when I'm not watching. That's why I wanted to know what kind of mischief I was doing when I wasn't there. '

This is Bella. Bella is naturally sensitive to skin, so she says she has

When I attached a camera to Ralph, I was able to see Ralph walking around the house from a cat's perspective.

Ralph gets into the space behind the TV ...

I walk around the narrow space on the windowsill without difficulty.

Chris especially likes Mofumofu's forefoot, which is reflected in the camera when Ralph goes up the stairs ...

A pink tongue that you can glimpse when drinking water.

Also, Ralph loves to sit in front of the sweep-out window on the ground floor and watch the birds coming to the garden ...

I also learned that Ralph was the culprit who grabbed Chris's houseplants. In addition, this plant is said to be a plant that cats can eat without problems.

Through Ralph's eyes, I got a glimpse of what time Bella and Ralph were spending. Bella was a former stray cat, so she loves loneliness even after becoming Chris's domestic cat.

On the other hand, Ralph loves Bella, so ...

I often invited Bella to play, and I was hit by a cat punch from Bella.

The small camera also has a microphone, so when

Knowing how Ralph lives, Chris

He also said that he intends to make a

In Chris's video, which summarizes the results of attaching a camera to Ralph, he commented , 'It's great to see his fluffy feet climbing the stairs,' and 'I'm a cat wearing a small donut. It was the cutest creature I 've ever seen. '
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