YouTuber arrested for flying his dog into the sky with a balloon

It is quite possible to float with balloons filled with light gas such as helium, just as some adventurers once set out on a gondola with many balloons. An Indian YouTuber who actually flew a 'dog' with a helium balloon was arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty.

Delhi YouTuber arrested for flying pet dog Dollar on balloons in video | Latest News India --Hindustan Times

Delhi YouTuber arrested for tying a dog to balloons to make it'fly' | Cities News, The Indian Express

Delhi: Popular YouTuber Gaurav Sharma arrested for making pet dog fly using helium balloons | Delhi News

Gaurav Sharma, one of India's most prominent YouTubers with 4.15 million registrants, was arrested. Sharma filmed a movie of his dog being attached to a helium balloon and flying. I published it on my YouTube channel. The video in question is below.

A Pomeranian with colorful balloons tied together.

When the woman holding her hand is released ...


It moves horizontally in the air in a form that is more like 'hanging in the air' than flying.

In the following scene, when the man releases his hand, the dog emerges ...

It shows how it flies to the height equivalent to the 3rd floor of the condominium.

Sharma posted the movie in question on May 21, 2021, but deleted it due to criticism from viewers. Later, an employee of the Indian animal protection group People For Animals reported to the local Malviya Nagar police station, leading to the arrest.

Atul Kumar Thakur of the Malbia Nagar Police Station, who received the report from Poepole For Animals, said, 'We have prepared a record on suspicion of disaster management law and animal cruelty prevention law. He has been released on custody. The defendant has stated that he was on YouTuber and was shooting a video for his channel. '

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log