Project 'Picorder' that faithfully reproduces the 'Star Trek' tricorder on Raspberry Pi

In the popular science fiction series 'Star Trek', the multifunctional terminal used by fleet officers and medical staff is the '
Picorder --Squared Wave
'Picorder' is ' Star Trek (first generation Star Trek)' was reproduced Tricorder that appeared in ' Picorder and', ' Star Trek was reproduced version of Tricorder that appeared in' ' Picoder 2 exist.' I will.
The Picoder was built using the Raspberry Pi Zero W for about 6-8 months. Unlike the prop replica that reproduces only the appearance, Picoder is a big feature that it actually has a sensor and a display. You can see what the actual Picoder looks like by watching the following movie.
[project] Raspberry Picorder --YouTube
The tricorder that appeared in 'Star Trek: The Original Series' looks like this. Barrett developed a Picoder by modifying a replica of the Tricorder from Diamond Select.

The wiring diagram of Picorder looks like this. Equipped with 64 LED dot matrices, the

The measurement result is displayed on the display with the same UI as in the play. Initially, each software was developed by Mr. Barrett, but at the time of writing the article, it was put together in

Picorder can not only play and shine, but also measure the surrounding environment as used in the play. Mr. Barrett said, 'Picorder is almost 100% complete and succeeded in realizing the basic functions,' and the Picoder is a replica that is as close to 'real' as possible.

And, based on the development experience of this Picoder, Mr. Barrett is developing Picoder 2 that reproduces the tricorder that appears in 'New Star Trek'. You can see what Picoder 2 looks like by watching the following movie.
[project] Raspberry Picorder 2 Update --YouTube
At the time of writing the article, two prototypes of Picoder 2 have already been completed, and the third one is in the process of being manufactured. At first, it was made by modifying the toy like the Picoder, but since it is a foldable device, the volume is not enough and I gave up. It seems that the first prototype is just a proof-of-concept model.
Therefore, I decided to design the main body of the second unit with a 3D printer. Mr. Barrett solved the problem of insufficient volume by making the upper part of the main body a little longer while keeping the design of the 'New Star Trek' tricorder.

The second prototype is equipped with an indicator on the top surface. In addition, a USB microB power port is provided at the top of the main unit.

There is a sensor and indicator board on the top surface, and the main board is installed inside the main body.

The third prototype under development is equipped with a capacitive touch panel. It also has an audio output function, so you can play the sound effects in the play. In addition, it also has a built-in gas sensor, thermal camera, and non-contact thermometer that can measure carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen, ammonia, methane, propane, and isobutane.

According to Barrett, Picoder 2 still has room for development and will continue to be produced. It seems that the goal of the Picoder project was initially 'to make a replica of a single tricorder', but Picoder 2 is developing with the goal of 'making the tricorder you want to make', Barrett said. Is talking.
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