In order to become a first-class programmer, the 'law of 30,000 hours' is applied instead of the 'law of 10,000 hours'.

The 'law of 10,000 hours ', in which top-notch people devote themselves to 10,000 hours of practice without exception, is widely known in fields such as study, sports, and the arts. Programmer Breck yunits believed in this rule and spent 10,000 hours programming, but he wasn't sure if it would actually work, and he told 25 of his esteemed programmers, 'How many hours did you spend programming?' Did you send an email with the content 'Did you?' And we publish the answers of the 5 replies on GitHub.

GitHub --breck7 / 30000hours: How many hours have you spent practicing programming?

◆ Donald Knuth: 56,000 hours
Donald Knuth , a mathematician and computer scientist, was born in 1938 and has been involved in programming for over 50 years since he first encountered the early computer 'IBM 650.' Knuth is a leader in the field of algorithm analysis and is also known as the author of the book The Art of Computer Programming, which describes programming. It is also known as 'premature optimization is the root of all evil ' and has the idea that optimization should not be done in the early stages of software development. Mr. Knuth was alive at the time of writing the article and is teaching at Stanford University.


Jacob Appelbaum

◆ Rob Pike: 30,000 hours
Rob Pike was born in 1956 and is known for developing the programming language 'Limbo ' in 1995 and 'Go' in 2009. He has left behind the phrase, 'UNIX isn't just dead, it's starting to give off a really terrible smell,' and he's also famous for advocating 'five programming rules' as his belief in programming. In addition, the working hours of oneself who reached 30,000 hours are also disclosed .

'Father of Go' Rob Pike's 'Five Programming Articles' on the Internet-GIGAZINE

◆ Peter Norvig: 30,000 hours
Mr. Peter Norvig, who was born in 1956, also spent 30,000 hours programming. Mr. Novig, who has also served as the research director at Google, is active in the fields of AI and robotics, and is designing the autonomous control system of the spacecraft 'Deep Space 1' developed by NASA. Novig also wrote an essay entitled 'Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years, ' following Malcolm Gladwell, who advocated the law of 10,000 hours.

◆ Stephen Wolfram: 50,000 hours
Born in 1959, Stephen Wolfram , CEO of software company Wolfram Research , said he spent 50,000 hours programming. Wolfram is known for developing the computer algebra system 'Mathematica' in 1986 and conducting research on cellular automata. Wolfram is also known for his detailed records of his activities, and in his 2002 book, 'A New Kind of Science, ' he wrote, 'I've hit the keyboard 100 million times and hit the mouse 100 million times. I moved it for miles (160km). '


Stephen Wolfram's PR team / Stephen Faust

◆ Lars Ytting: 30,000 hours
Lars Bak was born in 1965 and is a programmer who has also worked at Google. I am involved in the design of the JavaScript engine 'V8 ' adopted in Google Chrome etc., and in 2011 I am developing the programming language 'Dart ' that was created with the aim of replacing JavaScript.

yunits says the five sent us not only numbers but also words of encouragement. Encouraged by this answer, yunits was relieved that the 10,000 hours spent on programming wasn't wasted, and he said he would aim for 30,000 hours next, following the five.

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