Who is the woman who is one step closer to assassinating the Italian dictator Mussolini?

The Little-Known Story of Violet Gibson, the Irish Woman Who Shot Mussolini | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine

It was an Irish woman named Violet Gibson who was one step closer to the assassination of Mussolini. Gibson was born in Dublin , Ireland's capital, in 1876 as the second daughter of politician Edward Gibson , who served as Lord Chancellor of Ireland.
Growing up as a wealthy upper class daughter, Gibson made his debut in social circles during Queen Victoria 's reign, but is said to have been ill and 'hysterical' from an early age. Gibson, who converted to Catholicism in his mid-20s, moved to Paris to work for a pacifist organization.
Gibson, who lives in Paris, eventually plans to assassinate Mussolini and puts it into action on April 27, 1926, when he was 50 at the time. That day Mussolini was taking a walk on Campidoglio Square after giving a speech at a medical conference in Rome, at which time Gibson approached Mussolini and fired at a revolver from close range.
Gibson succeeded in assassinating Mussolini one step further, but unfortunately two accidents prevented the assassination. One is a group of students singing in honor of Mussolini near the scene, and when Gibson shot the first shot, Mussolini turned his face to it, so the bullet did not hit the center of the face and grabbed the tip of his nose. The point that it has been done. Second, Gibson triggered to shoot a second shot, but it was unexploded.
Unfortunately, the assassination failed despite being able to fire at close range, and Gibson was arrested by those around him. Police took Gibson's identity before being retaliated by an angry civilian, and Mussolini reappeared in front of the people just hours after the incident, with a bandage on his nose.
According to Stoner Sanders, a British historian and author of

by kitchener.lord
Gibson, who was deported to England after the incident, was diagnosed as 'insane' by a doctor and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Northampton. Gibson has been showing signs of mental illness for some time, but this is believed to have been the speculation of Gibson's family and the British government who wanted to avoid the incident becoming a big deal.
Gibson wrote a letter appealing for his release while in the hospital to Winston Churchill and Queen Elizabeth II (now Queen Elizabeth II) , but the letter was never actually delivered. After that, Gibson never left the hospital, and Gibson died in 1956 at the age of 79. At that time, Gibson's family reportedly did not attend the funeral.
Gibson's actions have been forgotten by the public for many years, but in recent years they have regained attention. In February 2020, the Dublin City Council passed a motion to install a plate to honor Gibson in honor of Gibson, and it is being considered to be installed in the house where he lived as a child. The motion states that Gibson, a 'dedicated anti-fascist,' should be made known to the public and that she should be justified in the history of Irish women and in the history of the people. Gibson's relatives, who remain today, are also in favor of this motion.
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