Visa considers introducing 'bitcoin payment'

Leadership Next: Will Bitcoin Disrupt Visa's Business? On Apple Podcasts
Visa Plans to Enable Bitcoin Payments at 70 Million Merchants --The BTC Times
Visa Is Working to'Enable Bitcoin Purchases': CEO --Decrypt
Visa CEO Reveals Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Plans | Finance Magnates
CEO Kelly, who appeared in the podcast program 'Leadership Next, ' in which CEO Alan Murray of the global business magazine Fortune talks with CEOs of other companies, considered two functions, 'bitcoin purchase' and 'bitcoin payment.' I revealed that it is.
'We are working on two things, one is to allow you to buy Bitcoin with Visa credentials, and the other is to work with Bitcoin Wallet,' said Kelly. It means converting Bitcoin into fiat money and making it available at 70 million Visa member stores. ' In addition to Bitcoin, CEO Kelly said that he is also considering 'Stablecoin ', a cryptocurrency asset that guarantees the exchange rate with legal tender such as yen and dollar, and has already collaborated with 35 companies related to stablecoin. 'It is highly likely that crypto assets in general will become a new payment method,' he said.

In fact, Visa encryption assets to issue a ' Coin' and encryption assets corresponding debit card ' CRYPTO.COM VISA CARD to provide the encryption asset holding services or announced the' institutional investors Anchorage And announced that it plans to provide digital asset services by the end of 2021 in collaboration with First Boulevard Bank, a financial services company for the black community.
Bitcoin hit a new high as of March 13, 2021 and broke through the $ 60,000 mark. Market capitalization temporarily marked $ 1.1 trillion. In February 2021, Mastarcard, the world's leading cryptocurrency-related company along with Visa, announced that it will support cryptocurrency assets by the end of the year, and the two major cryptocurrency-related giants are both working on cryptocurrency assets.
Mastercard announces that it will support crypto assets by the end of 2021 --GIGAZINE

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