Burger King's 'Avocado Beef Wapper & Avocado Plant Wapper' tasting review with plenty of avocado sandwiched between beef patties or vegetable patties

On February 5, 2021, from

Burger King , a hamburger chain store, ' Avocado Beef Wapper ' using 100% beef patty finished by open flame and ' Avocado Plant Wapper ' using 100% vegetable patty derived from soybeans. Two types have appeared. I was wondering how vegetable patties are different from beef patties, so I actually bought and tried it.

Two new products from Burger King R with luxurious avocado! Happy to choose from beef patties and plant-based patties 'Avocado Beef Wapper R' and 'Avocado Plant Wapper R' are newly released at the same time

This time, I bought two types at home. These are the 'Avocado Beef Wapper' (left) and 'Avocado Plant Wapper' (right) that I brought back. The avocado beef whopper is a colorful wrapping paper such as red and yellow-green, and the avocado plant whopper is a wrapping paper designed in green including the logo.

First of all, I will eat from the avocado beef whopper. The avocado beef whopper from the wrapping paper looks like this.

Compared to the iPhone 12 Pro, it looks like this.

When you turn the buns, you can see large sliced tomatoes, lettuce, and onions.

When I avoided some vegetables, about 3 sliced avocados appeared.

When you eat a bite, you can enjoy the crispy and fresh texture of lettuce and onions. The taste of mayonnaise, ketchup and vegetables insists, and the patty has a rather modest taste. However, after a while, the aroma of beef drifts a little. Avocado has a thick texture and a taste that goes well with mayonnaise.

Next, I will eat avocado plant whopper.

When you turn the buns, it looks like this. The vegetables on it are the same as the avocado beef whopper.

The patties are browned and look just like beef patties.

Avocado beef whopper (left) and avocado plant whopper (right) look like this side by side. The avocado plant wapper patties are a little browner and nicely molded.

Take a bite of the avocado plant whopper and you'll feel the smoky patty in your mouth. As it is a plant-derived patty, it is still less juicy than 100% beef patty, but it has a smoky aroma and does not have a dry taste. It's soft and easy to eat, and it seems to be healthy when eaten with vegetables. The avocado plant whopper uses animal ingredients as raw materials other than patties.

The price of Avocado Beef Wapper is 690 yen including tax, and the price of Avocado Plant Wapper is 790 yen including tax, and it is on sale for a limited time at Burger King nationwide except for some stores.

in Tasting, Posted by log1p_kr