It turns out that the martial arts decision win is 'it is advantageous to launch a lot of attacks anyway'

In martial arts such as boxing, wrestling, and mixed martial arts (MMA), in addition to 'knockout' to defeat the opponent, 'judgment' is often used to win or lose. A research team at the University of Plymouth's Faculty of Bio-Ocean Science emphasizes the motivation of 'how aggressively attacking' rather than the technique of 'how accurately attacking' when determining the outcome of a sport. I announced the research result that I tend to do it.
Perceived and actual fighting ability: determinants of success by decision, knockout or submission in human combat sports | Biology Letters
Judges' decisions in sport focus more on vigour than skill
A research team at the University of Plymouth has analyzed data from a total of 550 athletes' matches held from February 2019 to March 2020 at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), an American mixed martial arts organization. The match data included the percentage of attacks that hit the opponent firmly, the frequency of attacks delivered per second, match results, and so on.
Of course, in martial arts, if the accuracy of hitting the opponent firmly is high, the probability of winning by knockout etc. will increase. However, from the results of the analysis, it was found that if the winner is difficult to decide and is brought to the judgment, the judge emphasizes the frequency of the attack rather than the accuracy of the attack.
In other words, it turned out that the referee who won the decision tends to place more importance on 'how much the attack was launched against the opponent' than 'how correctly the attack was hit against the opponent'.

'Our study suggests that match judges are more likely to assess attack motivation than attack skill. MMA is a pace,' said Sara Lane, a member of the research team and lead author of the treatise. It's a fast sport, but if one of the fighting players gets tired early and there is a big difference in the number of attacks, this difference will be greatly evaluated when making a decision. ' Explains.
In addition, Mr. Lane said, 'Modern technology is advancing so that the recording of the game can be played immediately on the spot, and in the future the accuracy of the attack may affect the judgment rather than the number of attacks, but for a while The number of attacks is the most important performance characteristic for winning a decision. '
Human martial arts is a unique subject that allows us to investigate how both participants and observers perceive performance characteristics such as skills and motivation. '

'We know that animals are observing and assessing their fighting abilities in order to choose future mating partners and avoid hostile opponents. Humans evaluate their fighting abilities,' Brifa added. It can be said that the tendency to emphasize the number of attacks in doing so may be seen in other animals as well. '
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in Science, Posted by log1i_yk