Pointed out that overlooking political news 'has a negative impact on happiness'

As the election season approaches, television, newspapers, and social media tend to be more talked about in politics, but 'too much watching and listening to political topics can hurt happiness,' says Harvard Kennedy School. Is pointed out by Arthur C. Brooks.

Reading Too Much Political News Is Bad for Happiness --The Atlantic


'During the election season, some people become obsessed with their political opinions as if they were saving money,' said Brooks, who has a strong political belief. Lonely and stingy, they stick to their beliefs and rage when someone blames them, not just for those who are politically obsessed, but for everyone else. It will be the source of a lot of suffering. '

According to Brooks, little research has been done on the direct relationship between 'interest in politics' and 'happiness,' but indirect evidence has been shown in several studies. For example, in the 2014 General Social Survey (GSS) , we examined the relationship between household income, education, age, gender, race, marital status, and political views. It became clear that people who are less interested in politics are more likely to be 'not very satisfied with their lives.'

Also, in 2017, a survey of 'how political news affects happiness' in the Netherlands showed that happiness declined by an average of 6.1% every week on TV news programs about politics. It has become clear. The study points out that news programs are mostly negative topics, and viewers may feel unhappy by seeing and hearing bad news.

Not only happiness, but also friendships and family ties can be compromised by political disagreements. According to a 2017

poll in the United States, about one in six people in the United States refused to interact with friends and family for the 2016 election. Much of this was due to political conflicts between friends and family.

'But even if there is political consensus, expressing fierce opinions and talking about politics endlessly have a negative impact on relationships,' Brooks said. Data published in 2018 in the magazine Political Opinion Quarterly reported that 'some strong advocates of a party tend to dislike too much political debate, even if they agree.' Was there.

'Too much devotion to a particular political idea causes ignorance,' Brooks said. In fact, according to a 2012 survey of 'news habits' conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University, people who watch politically biased news more often than people who watch little news 'in the world. There is little knowledge about the event. '

'In short, I'm happy to be hooked on coverage of my favorite political parties during the election season, read and share political anger on social media, and take every opportunity to speak out about politics. It means that the degree and liking can be reduced, 'Brooks said.

While pointing out that he should not be too absorbed in political thought, Mr. Brooks also insisted that he should not give up his interest in politics. Brooks said that as a way to maintain both happiness and political involvement, 'when participating in political debates, encourage positive opinions rather than complaints,' 'limit time involved in politics,' and 'political thought.' I don't see news sources that are highly biased. '

'I don't support stopping everyone's interest in politics. Good citizens are also interested in and positive about the political process. But in life For quality, you should limit the time and emotional energy you spend in politics for you and others, 'Brooks commented.

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