A fierce man who turned Minecraft into a NES emulator appears

In '

Minecraft ', a miniature garden game where you can freely stack blocks to create various buildings, you can add functions that would otherwise be impossible by adding mods developed by volunteers. Become. However, engineer Suso has released a system that can reproduce family computer emulation in Minecraft without using this mod.

Making a NES in Minecraft (Vanilla 1.16) --YouTube

The following person is Mr. Suso. He wanted to emulate a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game without using mods in Minecraft, and created software that can emulate the game in Minecraft.

You can see how Suso is actually running the NES game on Minecraft about 9 minutes after the movie starts.

Making a NES in Minecraft (Vanilla 1.16) --YouTube

' Super Mario Bros. ' and ...


Rockman ' etc. are played in the movie.

In addition, it is said that the frame rate of the game emulated on Minecraft depends on the performance of the GPU, so the game in the movie was in a state like frame advance. It seems that a high-performance graphic board is required to play the game smoothly.

On Twitter, SaziumR actually played the game using the software created by Suso.

According to SaziumR, the game may run smoothly if the performance is about ' RTX 3080 '. The list price of RTX3080 is 109,800 yen at the time of writing the article.

The NES emulator for Minecraft created by Suso can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the YouTube movie.

in Software,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log