A fierce man appears who independently reproduces and distributes the graphic design that appears in 'Cyberpunk 2077' for free

Cyberpunk 2077 Assets — Logos and Vectors — Valency Graphics
Graphic designer Sean Grady released the assets of Cyberpunk 2077 earlier than the work. The published assets can be downloaded from Mr. Grady's website . When you visit the website, the logo designs that appear in Cyberpunk 2077 are displayed in a row as shown below.

You can check the downloadable logo file format in the red frame. In addition to JPG and PNG, some can be downloaded in vector format.

To download each asset, click the 'DOWNLOAD' button displayed below the asset. I tried to download the Cyberpunk 2077 logo.

The ZIP file will be downloaded, so unzip it and open it.

The contents of the unzipped file look like the following. PNG files are background transparent data.

Some have multiple logos as a set. Click 'DOWNLOAD' to download.
If multiple logos were set, the ZIP file would have the following contents. Each logo is numbered 01, 02 ...

In addition, the assets created by Mr. Grady are not official ones, but are created by Mr. Grady's personal unofficial project. Mr. Grady seems to have faithfully reproduced the graphic design appearing in the game with reference to the movie released from Cyberpunk 2077 official.
Grady said, 'I spent a lot of time looking for fonts that I didn't know existed, giving up and building from scratch, and looking for reference materials to make the perfect thing. In the process, it was just a failure. I found a lot of funny Easter eggs and friends who love the design of Cyberpunk 2077 as much as I do. I am very happy to have done so much and will continue to do so. I would like to come. '
The Cyberpunk 2077 assets released by Mr. Grady are not allowed to be redistributed or used for commercial purposes, and are 'shared by Cyberpunk 2077 fans for use in non-commercial fan projects.' It is said that you need to be careful when using it.
You can understand what kind of atmosphere Cyberpunk 2077 is by reading the article of the special theater of Tokyo Game Show 2019 below.
Infiltrate a special theater to unravel the whole picture of the up-and-coming open world RPG 'Cyberpunk 2077' in which Keanu Reeves also appears --GIGAZINE

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