US Space Force Hires Horse

On July 23, 2020, the
US Space Force hires a horse to boldly go where rockets can't. (The beach) | Live Science
The Space Force Has a Space Horse | Vandenberg Air Force Base
Officially launched in December 2019, the U.S. Space Force is the first army established in the United States for the first time in 72 years since the creation of the U.S. Air Force in 1947. The U.S. Space Force aims to ' maintain superiority in space ' and has a satellite jamming system that can interfere with the function of artificial satellites as an attack weapon.
The first U.S. Space Force attack weapon is a satellite jamming system against hostile forces-GIGAZINE

by Airman 1st Class Andrew Bertain
The US Space Force has hired a new military horse named 'Ghost'. The ghost is a 5 year-old horse from Ashige , Mustang , a horse owned by the US Department of Home Affairs, Land Management Bureau.
You have heard of a MW???? but what about a MW?????
— United States Space Force (@SpaceForceDoD) July 23, 2020
Our Access To Protecting Space Involves Many Unique Aspects, Including Welcoming Atto 30ThSpaceWing 'S Newest Military Working Horse To Their Conservation Military Working Horse Program. Ghost Is A 5 Year Old AttoBLMNational Mustang. Pic.Twitter.Com/r1dAd0plsc
Ghost's mission is not to fight in space, but to monitor intruders on Earth. Ghost will participate in the 'Military Horse Conservation Program' conducted by the Vandenberg Air Force Base and will be assigned to patrol the grounds of the base.
Below is a movie of Vandenberg Air Force Base explaining the military horse conservation program.
The only Working Horse Program in the US Air Force-YouTube
Vandenberg Air Force Base is the fifth largest air force base in the United States, with a vast area of 99,600 acres (approximately 400 square kilometers). Located in southwestern California, the base is on the shore and...
It has various topography such as forests.

Not only are 15 endangered species inhabiting the site, but there are more than 1600 prehistoric archaeological materials and 26 Cold War complex facilities. The four horses employed in the US are mainly responsible for cracking down on poaching and poaching and monitoring cultural properties. In addition, it seems that she sometimes participates in ceremonies. Only Vandenberg Air Force Base employs military horses in the United States.

It is said that military horses are excellent for traveling in high-altitude areas that are difficult to patrol by car, and have the advantage of being more environmentally friendly than all-terrain vehicles .
Ghost will participate as a military horse in the US Space Force in the above military horse conservation program. At the end of July 2020, he was in the training period before working full-time, so he was working at a pace of 3 days a week.
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