Studies show that teenage children spread the new coronavirus as much as adults

A survey of approximately 65,000 people conducted in South Korea has shown that “school reopening” may trigger a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) outbreak. In particular, children between the ages of elementary school and university students aged 10 to 19 are believed to be involved in the spread of infection.
Older Children Spread the Coronavirus Just as Much as Adults, New Study Finds-The New York Times
Early Release-Contact Tracing during Coronavirus Disease Outbreak, South Korea, 2020-Volume 26, Number 10--October 2020-Emerging Infectious Diseases journal-CDC
While COVID-19 tends to be more severe in people with chronic illnesses and the elderly, it is not yet clear how children are associated with the spread of COVID-19 infection.
Why is new coronavirus infection severe in only some people? -GIGAZINE

A research team led by Dr. Yong-Jun Park, a preventive medicine doctor at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Korea, conducted a survey to confirm the role of children in the spread of COVID-19 infection. The research team investigated the case where symptoms were reported from January 20, 2020 to March 27, 2020 when the school was closed in Korea, with 5706 people who first reported COVID-19 symptoms in households, We analyzed 59,073 people who were contacted with these COVID-19 patients and later underwent PCR testing. At this time, people living in the same house were tested with or without symptoms, but those contacted outside the house were only tested with symptoms.
The analysis showed that people living in the same home as the first reported person had the highest infection rates. When we tested 10,592 rich contacts living in the same house, 11.8% were positive for PCR. On the other hand, of the 48,481 concentrated contacts who do not live in the same house, 1.9% of the people were positive by PCR test. This seems to be related to the fact that it is difficult to keep social distance in the house.
And at this time, COVID-19 patients are '0-9 years old' '10-19 years old' '20-29 years old' '30-39 years old' '40-49 years old' '50-59 years old' '60-69 years old Unexpectedly, when the children were aged 10 to 19 years old, they were most likely to be infected with other people when they were touched at home. The fact of was also revealed.
The probability that a 10- to 19-year-old child will infect a person was 18.6%, while the infection rate from a 0- to 9-year-old child was 5.3%, indicating that the virus does not spread very well. It is also shown. The overall average was 11.8%.
Regarding the reason why the infection rate from children under 10 years old to others was low, 'Children in this age group exhale less air' 'Adults in high position are difficult to infect because they exhale near the ground The researchers believe that this is the body.
However, when school starts, children of similar height will gather, so there is a possibility that the risk of spreading the infection to children will increase. A May study also showed that even though the risk of infection was low, it could be offset by increased contact between children.

Researchers are aware of some limitations of the study, including the possibility that asymptomatic patients may have been overlooked, and unknown contact outside the home. I will.
On the other hand, it is necessary to reconsider the fact that children are not infected with COVID-19 and that the infection rate is lower than that of adults, so that minors are put together. Researchers pointed out that even children of the same minority, their behaviors are different because the physiques of children aged 0 and 18 are significantly different.
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log