Chinese authorities plan to carry out PCR test on 11 million inhabitants in Wuhan city due to suspicion of new outbreak

In Wuhan, China, where the urban blockade was lifted in early April 2020, a new case of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was reported. In response to this, it is reported that the Chinese authorities are proceeding with a plan to 'perform PCR tests to all 11 million residents of Wuhan City.'

Wuhan City Health Health Committee

Headline text

Wuhan, China, Reports New Coronavirus Cases: Coronavirus Live Updates: NPR month

Wuhan, China is the city where COVID-19 was first confirmed, and it is also the city where COVID-19 became prevalent before other regions. Due to the spread of COVID-19, Chinese authorities blocked the city of Wuhan on January 23, 2020, but lifted it on April 8. Since then, Wuhan citizens have been free to leave the city.

However, on May 10, an 89-year-old man living in a housing complex in Wuhan was confirmed to be infected and found to be severe. In addition, a positive reaction was detected in five residents of the housing complex, including the man's wife in question, and she was diagnosed as a ' symptomatic pathogen carrier ' who was infected but did not show symptoms. Six infected persons were identified as infected persons in Hubei Province, to which Wuhan Han City belongs, for the first time in 35 days, and the Communist Party chief of the district was dismissed for failing to take measures against infection.

According to Chinese state media, Chinese authorities are planning a PCR test for 11 million citizens in Wuhan to identify asymptomatic pathogen carriers in Wuhan. This test is scheduled to be carried out in each district in Wuhan for 10 days, and in the housing complex where a newly infected person was discovered, about 5,000 inhabitants have already been tested.

Not only in Wuhan City, Chinese authorities are taking swift and large-scale countermeasures for new infection reports. With 11 new cases confirmed in Shulan City, Jilin Province on May 9, Chinese authorities raised the alert level to the highest 'high risk' within 24 hours, blocking the residential area of Shulan City, We are taking measures that can be said to be a de facto blockade, such as prohibiting unnecessary and urgent outings and closing schools.

Video: Shuran City Infectious Disease Risk Grade, from 'Medium' to 'High' Jilin Province, China 1 photo International News: AFPBB News

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