Headline news on May 8, 2020

The light novel 'Super Cub' has been decided to be a TV animation that the monotonous days of high school girls will change when they start riding a used Super Cub, and the first PV has been released.
TV anime 'Super Cub' official website
The first PV of the TV anime `` Super Cub ''-YouTube
The protagonist, Okuma, is in charge of Yuki Michiyuki, who is active as a motorcycle rider YouTuber. Ayatsu Nanase plays the role of Reiko. Shiba Eniwa is Natsumi Hioka . Honda Giken Co., Ltd., the maker of 'Super Cub', cooperates and supervises the animation.
The teaser visual looks like this.

The original is up to 6 volumes on sale at Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko.
© Tone Koken,hiro/ベアモータース
By the way, this article was posted on the same day of the past month.
The developer at the time talks about the success of the secretly `` IE6 assassination plan ''-GIGAZINE
A new microarchitecture `` Morpheus '' that encrypts its own code 20 times per second leading to the realization of a `` non-hackable computer ''-GIGAZINE
`` 3D skin printer '' is developed to cover wounds with biological tissue for treatment-GIGAZINE
University warns that female students will use the library `` half naked ''-GIGAZINE
Map showing the origin of the world's city name is on sale-GIGAZINE
Hackers succeed in game play on CD-ROM of phantom game machine `` Nintendo PlayStation '' developed by Sony & Nintendo-GIGAZINE
Is 'correct grammar' really important in conversation? -GIGAZINE
This is the originator `` Mont Blanc '', I bought a blissful lump of cream only without sponge and tart dough at `` Angerina '' and tried it-GIGAZINE
◆ Material (memo, various other)
For work, I go to places where ordinary people can not enter, but I kept watching the truck at the entrance of the quarry site in the depths of the mountain and now there was Furby who became a god of the ancestor pic.twitter.com/j8aOsbAV7z
— Tsuji Tsumagai (@tuzitumaguy) May 8, 2020
Grass with well trained addicts
— Kunitora Matsuyama (@ B5N2_J_334) May 7, 2020
Is it a prisoner? pic.twitter.com/yHn5Sv3Kjq
A restaurant with many orders pic.twitter.com/UitwWUxV50
— X_YAFUMI_x (@x_YAFUMI_x) May 7, 2020
I want to connect a LAN cable pic.twitter.com/JPUBNQoZn8
— Notov Tokyo Idol Theater (@notf) May 7, 2020
Seriously this has become pic.twitter.com/FGnKghbT4Z
— Esuko (@_Under_the_desk) May 6, 2020
I was suicide if there was no Twitter pic.twitter.com/UBjFXyRowQ
— Fuse (@ tonyu2020) May 7, 2020
I'm the only one who received a trial because it is a 'real' bottom school pic.twitter.com/muc42Ng41K
— The guy (@ G1vc9ukmQEwbOWq) May 7, 2020
It is a cat that is generally said to be a light animal and has excellent spatial grasping ability and high physical ability, but let's look at the egg shot downward from the cat tower here pic.twitter.com/ WASwUDGEmK
— Kazuki SRT Mugen (@ Kazuki_300r) May 6, 2020
◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)
The sea urchin season has begun in Iwate Prefecture.
— School of Sea and Hope (The University of Tokyo Coastal Center) (@umitokibo) May 7, 2020
The other day, a fisherman brought a rare sea urchin.
Is it an albino?
When I actually saw it, it was pure white and very beautiful. pic.twitter.com/TKxIA4yKRb
Associate Professor Yuji Akiyoshi's website 'Consideration on engineering measures against coronavirus' is the best teaching material https://t.co/fXSdLkBl0u
— KEISUI ART STUDIO (@keisuiart) May 7, 2020
Consideration on engineering measures against coronavirus.
New corona cures recovery patient with plasma administration Austria 10 photos International News: AFPBB News
JAXA | Publication of Science Paper on Observation Results of Asteroid Explorer 'Hayabusa 2'
◆ Society, politics, economy (incidents, world news, business)
Distribution of all fabric masks by prefecture | Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
`` 3 secretly oxygen deficient '' LDP's corona countermeasure meeting Influx of seats packed with seats over 4 hours-Mainichi Shimbun
Accused of accidental driving injury acquitted `` Collision avoidance is very difficult '' Fukuoka District Court-Mainichi Shimbun
Wakayama's number-of-prefecture vehicles will start being issued a confirmation letter “I am a resident of the prefecture” | NHK News
Incorrectly posted on Aichi prefecture's web page, “Mistress?” Memo Infection route indication [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
'Deferred delivery' service More consultations about product stolen Aichi | NHK News
Yamanashi Prefecture to take measures against 'snaked and exposed' injured women [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
[Condemnation] Abe's LDP has uploaded a video of 'Mom's work is a violation of the Constitution' during an emergency in Corona. Constitutional amendment is more important than corona countermeasures, and the rice field is in great flames-Karaage bulletin
South Korea former comfort women urge not to hold protest rally against Japanese government | NHK News
What does PCR bring to us? | Segawashin | note
Relaxing leave request in 26 prefectures Out of 8 prefectures will be fully lifted [New Coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Mr. Suga wearing a mask for `` magic '' `` Amulet, disseminating Ainu culture ''-Mainichi Shimbun
Continuing criticism from overseas to respond to corona Government, eager to strengthen transmission power [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Japan McDonald's, Corona resistance fighting for 12 in eating out: Market situation Kabu full strength 2 stories
New Corona: FUJIFILM automates PCR test, increasing number of cases No skill required: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Cash 100,000 yen benefits Forgot password required for online application Congestion window | NHK News
House of Representatives Cabinet Committee, tomorrow 8th, the prosecutor's office amendment will be deliberated by the chairman.
— Taku Yamazoe (@ pioneertaku84) May 7, 2020
Only 5 hours with a package bill including the revision of the National Civil Service Law, and without conducting a joint examination with the Legal Commission requested by the opposition, the Minister of Justice is not able to answer.
The ugly attempt to legalize the Cabinet's intervention in the prosecution's affairs cannot be forgiven, for example, by taking advantage of the corona crisis.
I will tell you about the situation in China, which has become an after corona.
— Motoo (@motoo_yamanaka) May 6, 2020
Recovery trend / domestic travel / auto industry / restaurants (transition to take-out main)
Continued struggle, fitness club, beauty salon, night club, Bar
* Different by region
If you can use it as an index to predict the future of Japan
Outbreak again in South Korea: 13 people are positive after midnight | Union News
New corona: Tokyo, hotel recuperator Kendama Governor Koike `` Disperse stress '': Nihon Keizai Shimbun
New model coronavirus verified by contact infection test on cruise ship | NHK News
Focus: Corona 'reinfection' likely to be false positive, revealed in Korean study-Reuters
The spread of infection in Sapporo, the data surpassing Tokyo, the governor feels a crisis [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Sweden's corona-original route surpasses 3,000 dead 'scary' by scientist | World | Latest Articles | Newsweek Japan Official Site
100 tons of water supply even though it is closed !? Large amount of unauthorized use | NHK News
Korea ’s President Moon ’s approval rating in the 70% level is highly evaluated for new corona | NHK News
New Corona Eating and Drinking Inside the Store Fired by Attentioned Customers Oklahoma | NHK News
Junior high school student escaped 40m and died, crossing at green light Tokyo | NHK News
CNN.co.jp: New coronavirus found in male sperm Possibly sexually transmitted in China
'Sustainable benefits' will begin to be paid The first day is expected to be 23,000 payments | NHK News
Library keeps moving Lending books by home delivery, spreading trials [New Coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
'End-of-life fall' Even though it is an application for 100,000 yen payment net ... queue at the government office, 6 hours of procedure | [West Japan News]
CNN.co.jp: Death sentence handed down in 'Zoom trial', human rights group criticized Nigeria
◆ Lifestyle (life / life / health)
'I want to die with my child' Parents also suffer from school closures, where the child is [New Coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Naganuma supermarket.
— Mr. Sakurai @ Thank you 10,000 people (@ sakkurusan) May 7, 2020
I see, I can't enter the store without a basket. I thought pic.twitter.com/uaycM3f1kP
Reading Book: An educational experience that professional researchers stayed at schools in Japan, Finland, China, Singapore, and Canada with a deep dive into 'what is intelligence' and 'what is learning'. The best modern non-Japanese Isabella Bird, educational version of Gulliver's Travels. 'Why is Japanese 15 Years High in Academic Ability?' Lucy Crehan
You only need to do it once, so please make the quantity and procedure 'according to the recipe' .. Is there delicious food? Basics are important! Convinced. -Togetter
It's not unusual to bake yakimochi. pic.twitter.com/YNBEYfCO37
— Kamakura Parakeet (@peony_chocolate) May 7, 2020
How about Kitsune Udon? ? pic.twitter.com/w8edax1N4N
— Shiba Inu Yuki-chan (@ n0qTVdKQKf4r0Qt) May 7, 2020
It is the most suspicious house so far pic.twitter.com/BvHwDHN4gd
— Shirashiba (@ shiroshiba_24) May 7, 2020
My wife's work, Aigamo farming has started this year.
— Takoyaki @ Father of school refusal (@ja_takoyaki) May 6, 2020
It's really helpful that I can make delicious rice and vegetables with organic cultivation and enjoy them often. pic.twitter.com/XBnrHrPTkQ
I bought a tie pin, thinking 'It's 100 yen and it's cute'.
— Taro (@Taro_ToyGun) May 7, 2020
The accuracy is higher than expected and the grass wwwwww pic.twitter.com/Fm2RC6lCmO
Eh ... I was surprised that I was used here for a deep-fried food storage (oiler). pic.twitter.com/YZ5cqXvjh3
— Risa Ichinoki / Writer Designer (@rrisa_wp) May 7, 2020
I'm surprised that the current JS girls are reading this. . pic.twitter.com/YuM6APNuYL
— Chisato (@xxx_macaron_xxx) May 7, 2020
It is common to send a message to all clerk in the BGM in the hall, but the choice of that song pic.twitter.com/ftG4SfteKp
— Heisuke Endo (@heisukeend) May 7, 2020
When I asked the acquaintances who changed jobs to JR from April that they would like to send a train-type chopstick rest, I asked, 'Which train do you like?' Rather than that, I like diamonds. ' Diamond ... For the time being, I made a timetable type chopstick rest, but I couldn't give it to the farewell party in Corona. pic.twitter.com/IVIyfiRMd9
— Esou ceramics (@es_ou) May 7, 2020
The way to eat this warabi mochi, which is sold at supermarkets for 98 yen, is 100 times more delicious, but it is 'rinsing with water.'
— Kunoshin (@ kuno4n) May 7, 2020
Not only does it get stuck and it is easy to eat, but the surface becomes true and the mouthfeel becomes the strongest pic.twitter.com/T0HlA8Rvn6
Soap quadruple consumption with 'Do you wash your neighbors?' Text to change behavior [new coronavirus]: Asahi Shimbun Digital
◆ IT / gadgets (net, software, hardware, mobile)
This is the Noisy Minority guy I talked about before, it's really this!
— Ailes @ Magic Creation now on sale! (@ ailes_96_um) May 6, 2020
That would be the case if only the voices from Anti were received.
Then, it would be really troublesome if I was told later that it was better or the former was better. (Experience story)
If you're rooting for me, please let me know. pic.twitter.com/jcjBvcfZjy
I was an uncle pic.twitter.com/s5gm4KTAs7
— Wassyoisamba (@wasshoisanba) May 7, 2020
With the development of the Internet, have the 'closed world' champions such as 'the best picture in the class' disappeared? 'Suddenly the world champion'-Togetter
There seems to be a way to enjoy encountering delicious mysterious documents around Wikipedia's page for immediate deletion-Togetter
Request for Data Diet: To Teachers Hosting Distance Classes-Event-National Institute of Informatics
In-house PC grabbed by a Chinese hacker The whole picture of the secret battle of the team: Asahi Shimbun Digital
5 Data Science Masterpieces That You Can Learn for Free [Japanese books are not scared if you can speak English even if they are expensive]-Qiita
Summary of 11 operating systems-Qiita
There is an image tweet saying, 'The management has deleted the criticism of the administration of' Ask Prime Minister Abe! Live broadcasting that answers to the new corona that everyone wants to hear ', but this is not the case.
— Nico Nico contact person (@nico_nico_talk) May 7, 2020
The image was created by deleting tens of thousands of the same postings on the video below. https://t.co/1qqU9ztS9n
Actual management screen ↓ pic.twitter.com/MhqzwjLGh0
Efforts to properly `` explain '' infrastructure costs-Cookpad developer blog
Amazon Aurora Multi-Master Cluster Now Available in Tokyo Region | Amazon Web Services Blog
[Hot hot review] 7 type UMPC that cuts 20,000 yen by tax, Don Quijote 'Passion Price Plus NANOTE' -Verify whether it can be used as a telework terminal-PC Watch
I made a tabletop hydroponic device myself-toyoshi
A container that keeps saying 'Hey, Yo!' Every second | Tori's Room
◆ Anime, games, manga (subcar)
㊗ From the WEB, it is decided to make a TV animation of the ki fantasy work 'I'm alone hidden dungeon' being published by Kodansha K Ranobe Books.
— TV animation “Hidden Dungeon Only for me” Official (@kakushidungeon) May 8, 2020
In the dungeon layer, it was Olivia Servant, a superfluous adventurer, who was the main character, Nor met, in a chain ...?
# Hidden dungeon pic.twitter.com/JAgHJtQl3Q
Tokyo Game Show: Exhibition canceled at Makuhari Messe Considered online | NHK News
TV animation 'Adachi Toshimamura' PV 2nd
The first PV of the TV anime 'GREAT PRETENDER' main PV
During the series of Shogakukan's 'Big Comic', Takao Saito's 'Golgo 13' will be postponed for the time being from issue No. 11 for the time being.
— Introducing new comics from Bibidoro Shobo (@biidoro_) May 8, 2020
While the corona is raging, considering the safety of Saito professional staff, we will also announce the release of 'Golgo 13', which has not been suspended for 52 years. pic.twitter.com/wvc5sFyIS9
American bicycle commercial.
— Jarico Yokozuna (@ wolvy20) May 7, 2020
The production is to say that it is an anime company in London, but the Chinese taste and smell that ooze out ... After a little research, it seems that Japanese animators are seconded. pic.twitter.com/FrlbV7iGou
Shanks pic.twitter.com/WvTO8dUVFe
— Grasshopper (@honey_burst) May 7, 2020
The left will definitely affect the right pronunciation pic.twitter.com/lKU6WBBA4G
— Ritual_2nd (@ 2ndGiteki) May 7, 2020
I added PlayStation-like to the picture pic.twitter.com/UcsfGCFy9U
— (@ Cokohore11) May 7, 2020
The one of the correlation diagram that has been flowing frequently in TL recently. pic.twitter.com/7fVSo2sx0N
— Bean Nyaa (@MAME_NYA) May 8, 2020
Howl, any appearance and any personality will fall for all humanity to fall in love with it ... it's too anthropomorphic for beauty so I can't choose ... pic.twitter.com/P9Rpq2zpXw
— Hazu (Transition destination) (@HACHI_BUMBUN) May 7, 2020
Cat at the time of hair loss https://t.co/VdtZiaF6Og pic.twitter.com/Q4zknNI0HI
— Cure Z (@kyuryuZ) May 8, 2020
Speaking of which, please listen to it. When I put it away, an unopened 'potion' was uncovered in one carton ...! Expiration date is January 2007! ! pic.twitter.com/fHAOmhZFUb
— YODA (@ YODA_44) May 7, 2020
What is good about manga for Golden Kamuy is that it makes me a little happy if I find parodies such as movies and paintings frequently appearing like this. pic.twitter.com/nk1PIuaS8K
— Keta | Bar Karhu (Closed) (@kntktnk) May 6, 2020
Jojo feeling of bizarre bikini always laughs when you see pic.twitter.com/q3PCN8ecqf
— Ponzu @ Nichiasa / Fate Painter (@Ponzu_SHT) May 7, 2020
This was a long time ago at Teikyo's medical school pic.twitter.com/VYAE5TQQMl
— Low-flying gravure doctor (@ os5J1YMQzbyPSvP) May 7, 2020
Work story ~
— Leva Nira (@ rd7fb85) May 7, 2020
Trunk fucking uncle vs eagle pic.twitter.com/DtauR2ySdh
Does anyone understand this? ? ? pic.twitter.com/ZC9vJKqXsm
— Rei (@Rei__kuzyo) May 7, 2020
A story that my childhood friend often serves rice pic.twitter.com/1eNg70eZzE
— Akari Kajimoto (@kajimotoakari) May 7, 2020
I'm a college student, I'm Noruru
— Tokyo People's Management Bureau Deputy Director (@dairininn_) May 7, 2020
# Ruru's Atelier # Dedicate to the devil # Erasutoya pic.twitter.com/4HmNVeX2Ji
Everyone drew a manga by Hatsune Miku (page 4) pic.twitter.com/Cb5arLrUVX
— OTZ (@ chilei_ohtzu) May 7, 2020
An important ship type, 'sea defense ship'. And the important island 'Tsushima'. Yuzu Akasaka, who is in charge of the illustrations of the Etorofu-class defense ship 'Irofu' and 'Matsuwa', delivered a cute 7th anniversary illustration of the 7th ship of the Etorofu-class defense ship 'Tsushima' and her sisters. ! I will introduce. here you go! # Kankore 7th anniversary pic.twitter.com/J1qCIboYST
— C2 Organization (@ C2_STAFF) May 8, 2020
Looking at Nintendo's financial statements, this page was too great, I thought for a moment, without knowing what graph, pic.twitter.com/qKKh01UUQU
— Kensuu @ Manga Service Al (@kensuu) May 7, 2020
A light lily that a broken heart woman is cared for by a good woman (1/7) pic.twitter.com/DX3XWow3JO
— Yodokawa 3/28 Volume ③ (@ ydkw27) May 7, 2020
— Devil's Blade Official (@kimetsu_off) May 8, 2020
For special edition and bundled edition,
Please also check the notes here. pic.twitter.com/X3bmmsXUrG
Is it real Twitter?
— Kobayashi Jin (@jin_kobayashi_) May 8, 2020
I often get in touch with my acquaintance. pic.twitter.com/jnCxkppFiG
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! Mr. Sayaka Kanamori
— Makiyuki Airi (@irisnoichigeki) May 7, 2020
It was said that I was like a few people for a long time, so I tried to make it like a cosplay at home ...
I also drew freckles and put gray colored contacts, but I can not see ... pic.twitter.com/RXF8OuEPjK
The rough came out when I was thinking about the theater version μ's dance costume pic.twitter.com/EBep86MLiH
— Yuhei Murota (@muromuromurota) May 8, 2020
A childhood friend's story that I hate milk but can go beer pic.twitter.com/bIGQbkuPvs
— Amekuro (@ ammkr2222) May 7, 2020
Only in Osaka University I like shadows pic.twitter.com/qDaSkfUutz
— Honokas (@ Charlotte218112) May 7, 2020
Animation #PartyParrot pic.twitter.com/ipz7rKpHd5
— Hyb (@h_y_b_) May 5, 2020
I want to be this pic.twitter.com/TiGuj6MIwk
— Withered banyan (@blastedgjmru) May 7, 2020
FGO Milli Shira's friends watched an animation ~ I want to see Babylonia on stage! I was happy to say that I was crazy on the stage and made a presentation material (I did not need a reply such as incorrect or different because it was made for my family) pic.twitter.com/yxnI2mulvR
— Doro (@ fp7go) May 7, 2020
— Houjiro (@mamimumemonoma) May 7, 2020
Why don't you buzz! ! !
— Momo (@pantotart) May 7, 2020
Pictures of bread and tarts that I drew and wallpapers delivered weekly! ! ! ! pic.twitter.com/COXN69kN87
I'm drowning in the sea. # Chachamaru pic.twitter.com/CXQSJyf08i
— Kumama (@kumama_kmm) May 6, 2020
Demand is too high and production can not catch up pic.twitter.com/6C2OfW7BYi
— Tab head (@TAB_head) May 7, 2020
Kirby 64's favorite stage pic.twitter.com/jlbmJQvCdq
— Sayabi (@ Suyasuyabi427) May 7, 2020
Touhou original understood with 2 frames pic.twitter.com/egufHAiPTD
— Zunda-chan (@matsutaketakaka) May 7, 2020
Shinjuku / Kinokuniya bookstore reopens 'Doubutsu no Mori' strategy book 100 or more people queue: Sports notification
The side profile of anime character design! ? The side profile design of the anime is not a 'right side' design for a 3D model! ! # 3D # 3DModeling #gamedev-Togetter
It's Reiwa and it's time to release the princess's seal-An animation in which a blonde heroine that crystallizes with an arrow stuck in her chest appears-Togetter
Petrification frozen database
I couldn't have done a dry criticism of anime on the internet today-polar bear scrap basket
About Sakuma-sensei | Colorful Pieces of Game
Life generally repeats these 4 patterns pic.twitter.com/U2jGaTDSEg
— Just Gomez (@gomessdegomess) May 5, 2020
New Eating Clan-Yamagata Liberation-Let's Go! Apple Deaf Master-Nico Nico Douga
Song of Yanmargata-Nico Nico Douga
Agricultural produce crop girlgo-Nico Nico video
Yamagata fruit tree-Nico Nico Douga
Catch Apple Dream! - Nico Nico Douga
MC Hammango's song-Nico Nico Douga
◆ Sports / Entertainment / Music / Movies (Entertainment)
I'm confident that if Corona converges to a certain degree and the movie theater reopens and I can go to see it, just seeing them again makes me cry. pic.twitter.com/Fkko3isJXN
— Hinata @ Movie (@ HinatakaJeF) May 7, 2020
'Kirin comes' to reduce the number of broadcasts and end by the end of the year. Shooting paused, 21 episodes run out of stock / entertainment / daily sports online
◆ New products (clothing, food, housing)
(PDF file) Dessert using 'fresh mango' from royal host is now available! 'Apple Mango ~ Mellow Apple Mango ~' ~ Seasonal sale at royal hosts nationwide from Thursday, May 14 ~
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt