'Is the age of avoiding contact with people the best time of life for introverts?' Is divided among psychologists

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In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, many people are forced to live away from going out and contacting people, but some people say that `` I am introverted from the beginning, so my life is almost unchanged '' . However, among psychologists, there is controversy over whether 'introverted temperament leads to strength in loneliness.'

Personalities that thrive in isolation and what we can all learn from time alone


Yes, Even Introverts Can Be Lonely Right Now-The New York Times

◆ Opinion that introverts are strong against loneliness
Nick Haslam, a professor of psychology at the University of Melbourne, and Luke Smiley, an associate professor at the University, said that the 'introverted / extroverted' nature of a person appears early in life and remains stable for life . thing. This difference mainly affects what kind of environment people prefer or how they react to it.

This is supported by a social experiment announced by Mr. Sumily in 2018. In this experiment, we asked introverts and extroverts to spend a week in an extroverted life. Specifically, he asked the participants in the experiment to act as 'people who were as social and talkative as possible' in their daily lives. After the experiment was completed, a questionnaire was conducted to examine changes in participants' emotions.

As a result, extroverts were found to have benefits such as improved mood and 'how they feel like themselves', while introverts felt the disadvantages of feeling tired and irritable. I understand.

Haslam and Smiley said of the results of this experiment: 'In this era, when we had to keep a

social distance , it was a mirror image of our experiment. Since they are more likely to live, they are likely to experience reduced well-being in the coming weeks and months, while introverts have been training throughout their lives for this moment. It is like that. ”He said that a society in which people must avoid human relationships is suitable for introverts.

Haslam et al. Explain why introverts can manage loneliness well: 'The most obvious thing is that introverts are less motivated to engage with society. We also don't need much of it, so we may not feel the boredom that many feel as the social distances are demanded longer. ”

In particular, even introverts are said to be lonely if they have a certain degree of sociability. For example, summarizes the characteristics of people who are suitable for the closed environment from a variety of cases such as the space station and Antarctic research facility (PDF file) research and in, the 'strong emotional stability and self-reliance, goal oriented, patience is It has become clear that 'people who are both familiar and open' can adapt to extreme loneliness. Psychologists at the University of British Columbia who conducted this study called introverts who enjoy, but do not need, such social interaction 'social introverts.'

Based on the results of these experiments and studies, Haslam et al. Said, 'The pandemic of the new coronavirus is called' the lonely outbreak 'by some people, but this may be an exaggerated expression. The reason is that for extroverts, dark clouds hang down, but for introverts, light is shining through the clouds. '

◆ Introverting does not necessarily mean loneliness
'It's often said that extroverts get energy from others, and introverts get energy from loneliness, but that's a myth,' he says. This is Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist.

Grant said, 'I am an introvert, I prefer reading to concerts, and I rarely get picked up when an unplanned call comes in. I prefer to talk more with a few people than at a birthday or dance party. Bingo has 13 of the 16 squares filled up, and he is a hardcore 'introverted person.'

As a result, Grant said he was confident in his resistance to loneliness, but he said he had experienced loneliness when his roommate returned home when he was a graduate student. From this experience, Mr. Grant began to think, 'Isn't an introverted character not always strong in loneliness?'

This is supported by an experiment in which extroverts and introverts conduct group discussions. In this experiment, we asked participants to randomly assign roles and talk so that they could act as 'extroverts' or 'introverts.' As a result, a tendency different from the experiment by Smithy et al. That 'not only extroverts from the beginning but also introverts undergo positive emotional changes by' behaving as extroverts '' is reported It was said that it was done.

Grant also points to Sumily's experiments, 'It is true that if an introvert acts like an extrovert for a week, the emotional benefits fade and the disadvantages appear.' I admit that claim. Grant said, 'The desire for loneliness comes from a completely different trait than introversion, or' independence, 'and whether introvert or loneliness is different. I showed the view.

Grant said, 'Fortunately, we don't need more people to fight loneliness. My colleague Sigal Barsade's study found that having only one friend significantly reduced loneliness.' users had. another expert, and leave a good impact on both simply by a positive conversation for 40 seconds talking about it has to wiped off the loneliness felt connection with. people, no great effort is necessary That's why. '

by darvoiteau

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