It was revealed that the early type coronavirus test kit by the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention was contaminated with virus

Investigations by US government authorities have revealed that the

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) distributed test kits for new coronaviruses to states in early February 2020 for viruses.

CDC Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say-The New York Times

CDC's failed coronavirus tests were tainted with coronavirus, feds confirm | Ars Technica

On April 11, 2020, in the United States, the number of deaths per day due to a novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) exceeded 2,000 for the first time in the world. The first confirmed cases of new-type coronavirus infection in the United States were January 21, 2020, and the total number of infected people as of April 20, 2020 reached 742,442 . In early February after the first case in the United States, CDC distributed a new coronavirus test kit to each state in the United States, but the government agency said that this test kit was contaminated with the new coronavirus Survey has revealed.

New coronavirus test kits play a very important role in virus containment measures. However, it has been pointed out that the test kit was contaminated by the virus and the test results were useless, which may have been a waste of valuable time before the spread of the infection in the United States.

With the new coronavirus test kits distributed to various states in the United States in early February 2020, the initial question was, 'Why didn't the test result go wrong?' Initially, it was said that 'There was a problem in the process of manufacturing one of the reagents', but it was suggested in subsequent reports that there was a problem with the negative control of the

control experiment .

And, according to a new report from The New York Times, in the process of creating a new coronavirus test kit, `` CDC's sloppy practice in the laboratory contaminated the test kit with a virus and it stopped functioning as a test kit “It was revealed by the investigation of the government authority.

After it was revealed that the new coronavirus test kit distributed by the CDC to each state was problematic, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent Timothy Stenzel, who is in charge of in vitro diagnosis and radiology, to the CDC, I investigated the cause of the problem. According to The New York Times, Stenzel discovered the CDC's 'unadjusted' and 'experienced' in the process of commercial production of test kits. Specifically, it is believed that the CDC researchers who were in charge of creating the inspection kits performed various treatments when entering and leaving the lab without changing the coat.

On the test kit contamination issue, the CDC commented to The New York Times that 'we couldn't produce the test according to its own protocol.' It took about a month for the CDC to fix the problem with the virus-infected test kit.

Scott Becker of the National Institutes of Health told The New York Times that the test kit was 'contradictory' about the virus being contaminated.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii