Traces of `` ancient continent '' lost by collapse 150 million years ago are accidentally discovered

It is reported that traces of a 'lost ancient continent' have been found on
metasomatized mantle beneath the North Atlantic Craton: Insights from peridotite xenoliths of the Chidliak kimberlite province (NE Canada) | Journal of Petrology | Oxford Academic
Geologists find lost fragment of ancient continent in Canada's North | UBC Science-Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia

The Fragment of an Ancient Lost Continent Has Been Discovered Off The Coast of Canada
Piece of lost continent discovered beneath Canada | Live Science
Traces of the lost ancient continent were discovered by a research team by Maya Kopilova, a geologist at the University of British Columbia. The team, who visited Baffin Island, initially conducted excavations of natural diamonds rather than ancient continents.
The research team investigated the igneous rock Kimberlite, which is known to contain rough diamonds. Kimberlite originating from mantle inside the earth is to have been made by violent eruptions ejected to the vicinity of the surface in a short time, in the process Xenoliths You carry rock fragments, called the surface.
Kimberlite for the Kopirowa said, 'the researchers, so to speak, to pick up passengers on the way to the earth's surface come as something of a rocket. Passengers is the vein of the original host rock in chunks of hard rocks, over time It will give us detailed information on situations far below the surface of the earth. ' According to Kopilova, these kimberlites are formed at a depth of less than 150 km underground and emerge on the surface by geological forces and chemical action.

A detailed analysis of a sample of 120 xenoliths from Baffin Island revealed that Baffin Island's host rock had some rather unique properties that were unexpected. A search for ores with similar characteristics revealed that the composition was very similar to the North Atlantic craton , which extends from Scotland to North America.
Craton is a stabilized crust that has ceased to be affected by orogenic activity after crustal deformation and is stable in Japanese Land mass Also called. Some of them may be present on existing plates, such as the North American Plate, but some have been torn and dispersed throughout the long history of plate activity.

by TravelingMan
According to Kopirowa, a normal craton is composed of about 65% olivine and about 25% orthopyroxene, but the composition of the North Atlantic is 85% olivine and about 10% orthopyroxene. . And the composition of Kimberlite on Baffin Island was very similar to this North Atlantic Craton. 'The mineral composition of the North Atlantic Craton is so unique that it is easy to mistake it,' Kopirowa said.
Fragments of the North Atlantic craton have been found in Scotland, Greenland, and the Labrador region of eastern Canada, but this is the first time it has been found on Baffin Island. From a geological point of view, the research team said that the `` trace of the Atlantic craton was excavated from underground modern Baffin Island is the result of a large fission that occurred in the Pacific craton about 150 million years ago '' I guessed.
According to Kopilova about these discoveries, 'Finding a piece of the lost continent is like finding a missing piece of the puzzle. A scientific puzzle depicting the ancient Earth is finding all the pieces. It will not be complete without it, 'he said, arguing that this discovery would be one of the pieces of a puzzle that would reveal ancient lost continents.
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