Twitter labels `` manipulated media '' on Trump's retweeted fake video

There are a myriad of 'edited contents' on the Internet, and users need to judge the authenticity of each content. Meanwhile, Twitter has made it clear that it will label intentionally edited content as ' manipulated media ', announcing that it will make it easier for users to determine the authenticity of the content. The first subject of such 'manipulated media' label is a fake video retweeted by US President Donald Trump.

Twitter flags video retweeted by President Trump as 'manipulated media'-The Washington Post

Twitter puts 'manipulated' tag on faked Biden video retweeted by Trump-The Verge

In February 2020, Twitter announced a measure to prevent users from being fooled by false information by labeling “edited movies and photos”. Twitter commented on the initiative: `` Overall, it has become clear that misleading and tampered content threats are perceived and you are asking Twitter to take action on them. '' I am. What is added to the edited movie or photo is the label 'Media manipulated', and tapping the label allows you to browse information from reliable sources.

Twitter announces that it will label `` edited movies and photos '' to prevent people from being fooled-gigazine

In addition, Twitter labels the “manipulated media” as “synthesized or manipulated content”, “when the content is shared in a way that confuses others”, “content threatens public safety” If it could cause serious harm. ' The criteria for content labeling and removal are shown in the chart below.

It is clear that labeling for this 'edited movie or photo' has finally begun, but it is attracting attention because the subject is related to US President Donald Trump.

According to the Washington Post reporter, Kat Zakrzewski , on Twitter, 'Twitter has first applied the new 'manipulated media' label to fraudulently edited Joe Biden videos, which are white. It was tweeted by Dan Scavino, director of social media at House, and is retweeted by President Trump. ' At the time of writing, the tweet collected over 3200 retweets and over 8200 likes.

Here's a fake video of Mr. Biden retweeted by President Trump: In the video, Biden, who is considering running for the Democratic Party in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, makes a statement that would allow President Trump to be reelected.

When the overseas media The Verge checked with Twitter, it seemed that there was a response saying that the tweet was processed according to our policy on synthetic and manipulated media , and confirmed that the labeling was not wrong It has been.

In addition, at the time of article creation, a bug that the “operated media” label is not displayed on Twitter has occurred, and it is said that Twitter is working on fixing the bug.

in Software,   Web Service,   Video, Posted by logu_ii