A 10-year-old girl exchanges sexual messages using `` coleslaw '' as slang more frequently than teenage boys

As the number of children with smartphones increases, the act of “

sexting ”, where sexual photos and messages are exchanged via SNS and messaging applications, is becoming a problem. As a result of analyzing 65 million messages sent by children since November 2019, an application ` ` SafeToNet '' that monitors messages sent by children on smartphones shows that `` 10-year-old girls are more than teenage boys Sexual conversations using jargon at a high frequency. '

Nando's-inspired sex slang used by girls as young as 10 | Technology | The Guardian

Many parents are concerned that their children are not involved in sending and receiving harmful texts on smartphones. SafeToNet monitors interactions with message apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., children try to send sexual or aggressive messages, messages are related to suicide or self-harm. It is an application that issues a warning when you do. When SafeToNet detects that a child is trying to send harmful text, it alerts and prevents the text from being sent.

To develop algorithms that identify text that is harmful to children, SafeToNet employs a team of linguists and psychologists who specialize in online interaction. SafeToNet seems to be able to judge the text entered by the user at the context level using artificial intelligence, and it is used in the sentence `` Rahim Sterling (of a soccer player) has beaten Real Madrid '' There is no warning for the word 'kill', but a warning is displayed for 'kill' used in the text 'Please kill something', and it is said that the transmission of the text will be interrupted.

In addition, SafeToNet is sensitive to a variety of jargon and abbreviations, as the language used by children to exchange messages is so fast. For example, SafeToNet seems to be able to identify words that have changed from 'hate' to 'h8' and 'awesome' to '4W3S0M3'. Richard Pursey, CEO of SafeToNet , describes a system that alerts children to text they type in, 'It tries to educate children in real time.'

SafeToNet periodically sends feedback to parents who have installed the app on their children's smartphones, related to the texts they try to send. Although the contents of the text are not conveyed in detail, it is said that the threat level about items such as sexual conversation, bullying, attack, suicide and self-harm is conveyed.

Analysis of as many as 65 million messages sent by children since November 2019, 10-year-old girl reported higher threat level than teenage boy in `` sexual conversation '' item is. 'We did not anticipate such a result. We have the highest threat level for sexual conversation in boys compared to girls, and in the 12-13 age group I thought it was expensive, 'Pursey said.

The `` sexual words '' used by girls are not always direct, but jargon using the name of dishes such as `` coleslaw (coleslaw) '' and `` peri peri (peri peri) '' was also used thing. 'Coleslaw' is a type of salad made from finely cut cabbage, and is a jargon meaning 'affair and flirt'. 'Peri Peri' is a slang word from the menu called 'Peri Peri Chicken' of the chain store '

Nando's ', which originated in South Africa and is popular in the UK, and is used as a slang word for 'sexually capable men' .

According to SafeToNet, girls generally tended to exchange more sexually explicit words than boys, but boys had a higher threat level than girls in terms of text aggression and bullying That's right. Pursey said that a 10-year-old girl frequently exchanges sexual textbooks, 'I don't think this is as bad as it looks. And that text exchange does not necessarily lead to actual sexual activity. ' About 35% of children who have SafeToNet installed are 10 to 11 years old.

Also, it turned out that the more children spend time with their families and the less time they look at smartphones, the more difficult it is for children to send harmful texts. 'Saturday, families are more likely to spend time together, and on Saturday, text messaging became less aggressive,' Pursey said.

in Mobile,   Web Service, Posted by log1h_ik