`` The Booksellers '' trailer movie that approaches the actual situation of people who continue to sell declining `` paper books ''

Due to the spread of e-books and the increase of online shops, the number of bookstores with physical stores has
The Booksellers | Greenwich Entertainment
The Booksellers | Official Trailer-YouTube
Strand Bookstore is a long-established bookstore founded in 1927.

Nancy Bass Weiden, the owner, says the Strand Bookstore began in his grandfather's days.

At the time of the founding, the area around the Strand Bookstore was called

There were 368 bookstores throughout New York in the 1950s, but at the time of writing, the number had decreased to 79.

People who know when bookstores were in their heyday say, 'I remember that there were some people who were so frustrated that they could buy a book. .
'Buying books in a bookstore was like hunting, but the Internet spoiled hunting,' said one executive.

The widespread use of the Internet and the ease with which you can get the book you want means that you have lost the pleasure of finding a book.

The spread of the Internet has caused great damage to many bookstores, and many have lost their livelihoods.

While many have mourned the decline of bookstores, the rise of young dealers is also remarkable. In a large second-hand book market ...

Not only veteran dealers but also young dealers.

Young dealers who define products with serious expressions.

One of the dealers said, `` Veteran dealers often say 'I do not know what you are doing', but I have a lot of ideas for selling books ' Was.

There are also

Managers say, 'I'm deeply involved with the community in a way chain stores could never do. I think the commitment to books is great.'

'A good dealer is a kind of discoverer and a person who values history,' said a man.

In New York, many people read books on the subway, and some say they are young people in their 20s.

Although bookstores are declining, bookstores are supported by those who love books in terms of selling, and those who love books in terms of buying, and convey the beauty of paper books to a new generation.

'The Booksellers' is scheduled to be published in Los Angeles and New York in the United States on Friday, March 6, 2020, and will not be published in Japan at the time of writing.
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