Research results that `` overeating of eggs does not lead to heart disease etc. ''

Eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, and it has been pointed out that excessive intake increases the risk of developing heart diseases and other diseases, but the latest research results analyzing three long-term studies show that egg intake And the risk of developing heart disease has not been linked.
Association of egg intake with blood lipids, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 177,000 people in 50 countries | The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Oxford Academic
Moderate egg intake not linked to heart disease | 2020-01-29 | Baking Business
The link between egg and heart disease was analyzed by researchers at Hamilton Health Sciences , a network of seven hospitals and cancer centers in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and researchers at McMaster University's Public Health Institute. A paper summarizing the results of this study has been published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

'The right egg intake for most people is about one a day. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes,' said Dr. Masid Defgarn, a researcher at McMaster University's Institute of Public Health, who participated in the study. Egg consumption did not increase the incidence or mortality of cardiovascular disease, even for those who had a history of the disease. '
'We have found no link between egg intake and such things as' blood cholesterol, '' egg composition, 'and' other risk factors. ' It can be applied to a wide range of people, including those with vascular disease, 'said Dr. Defgan.

Dr. Defgan and his colleagues analyze three surveys of approximately 177,000 people across six continents and 50 countries in an integrated manner.
One study included a large prospective epidemiological cohort study (PURE) of 146,011 subjects in 21 countries. The results of PURE analysis show that those who eat less than one egg a week, those who eat more than seven eggs a week, and those who eat less than seven eggs, etc. No significant association was found between medium lipids, mortality, or cardiovascular disease.
In addition, when analyzing the ONTARGET and TRANSCEND surveys of 31,544 patients with vascular disease, similar to the above-mentioned analysis results, the relationship between egg intake and cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality was similar. No connection was found.

'Eggs are also a nutrient-rich and good source of protein and contain biologically active compounds such as lutein and zeaxanthin ,' the researchers noted.
Some guidelines for cardiovascular disease recommend that eggs should be restricted because they are high cholesterol foods and eating too much can adversely affect blood lipids. 'Recent randomization and animal studies have shown that dietary cholesterol ingested from foods has little effect on blood lipids,' the researchers noted.

It should be noted that in the diet guidelines that the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services has issued, but before 2010, was recommended to the cholesterol intake per day to less than 300mg, ' food for Americans Items related to cholesterol have been deleted from the “ Lifestyle Guidelines 2015-2020 ”. Instead, the 2015-2020 edition recommends eating a variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meat, chicken, eggs, beans (beans and peas), nuts, seeds, and soy products.
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in Science, Posted by logu_ii