YouTube revised harassment policy, prohibiting `` insulting based on race, gender, sexual orientation '' and `` indication of violence ''
On December 11, 2019, YouTube announced “Revision of Harassment Policy” on the official blog. The revised policy newly prohibits “racial, gender and sexual orientation insults” and “implicit threats”.
Official YouTube Blog: An update to our harassment policy
In the past, YouTube has worked hard to eliminate inappropriate content from YouTube by frequently changing the terms and guidelines. The policy revision regarding harassment banned movies with violent extremism and supremacy on June 6, 2019.
YouTube again changes content guidelines and deletes content & channels by supremacy-GIGAZINE
The previous policy prohibits “intimidation that is obvious to anyone”, “disclosure of personal information that should be kept confidential”, and “recommend harassment to others”. The revised policy prohibits 'implicit intimidation' such as content that could lead to violence or remarks that could cause violence.
In addition to these stricter regulations regarding threats, content that insults the nature of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. in a malicious manner is prohibited in order to establish a consistent standard for “content not allowed on YouTube”. It was. This regulation will be applied to all individuals and organizations that post content on YouTube.
By un-perfekt
In addition, a channel that repeatedly posted a movie that violated the policy as `` an individual movie alone does not exceed the 'limit as harassment', but there are cases where multiple movies are combined to exceed the limit '' , Monetization with movies has stopped. If harassment continues, content will be removed from the channel and eventually the channel itself will be removed. The scope of these policies includes not only movies but also comments, so “harmful comments” that clearly violate policies are also subject to removal.
YouTube says it has decided this revision through discussions not only with creators, but also with organizations that study online bullying.
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in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log