Research report that 'cognitive function drops sharply after retirement and entering pension life'

It is reported that in a society with a declining birthrate and an aging population, the retirement age of employees is increasing, and the Japanese government is also considering a “ 70-year-old retirement system ” that exceeds the retirement system for 65-year-olds. After retirement, it is common to live while receiving a national pension or a corporate pension. However, research has reported that cognitive functions decline rapidly when you quit your job and enter pension life.
Do Pension Benefits Accelerate Cognitive Decline? Evidence from Rural China | IZA-Institute of Labor Economics

If You Rest, You Rust? Study Finds Early Retirement May Speed Up Cognitive Decline
In China, the average life expectancy has been steadily increasing in the past few decades, and the birth rate has been declining. So, a research team at State University of New York at Binghamton explores the impact of early retirement and pension benefits on the cognitive ability of adults over 60 years old. The longitudinal survey of was analyzed.
According to the research team, those who retired from work and received pension benefits tended to see a decline in cognitive ability more rapidly than those who continued working even after age 60. The research team also reported that women who tended to retire earlier than men also experienced a sudden decline in cognitive ability. As a result, the research team supports the hypothesis that “decrease in mental activity accelerates cognitive decline”.
The author and economist, Prof. Pramen Nikolov, reported that “the residents in the areas where the pension program was offered were much less cognitive than those in the areas where they were not offered,” “In the ten years since the pension program was implemented, the memory and cognitive ability of the residents has declined by about one fifth of the standard deviation.”
Associate professor Nikolov acknowledged that retirement would improve sleep and nutritional status, but, “For cognition of the elderly, the negative impact on social involvement is more than the positive impact of improved nutrition and sleep. 'Social engagement may be one of the most important for cognitive ability in old age,' he said.
by FuSuSu
The research team said, “The results of this study should serve as a reference when considering retirement for individuals.” Study Finds of the scientific media said, “The results of this study were developed by policymakers in developing countries. It should be emphasized when formulating a new pension system. '
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in Science, Posted by log1i_yk