A chef who was developing a `` cannabis dish '' in search of a new taste was arrested

by Thought Catalog

Cannabis, which is said to have been inhaled by humans for 2500 years, is prohibited in Japan for possession or cultivation, but is legal in some countries and regions . An overseas chef who has been seeking to use such cannabis as a new spice for cooking has been arrested and is attracting attention.

Pot and pans? Italian TV chef on cannabis charge was 'researching new flavors' | World news | The Guardian

Carmelo Chiaramonte , who has worked as a chef in Sicily, Italy and has appeared on TV, was arrested for having cannabis at home. According to investigative authorities, a cannabis of about 2 meters in height and 500g of Indian hemp were found at the home of Chiaramonte in Trecastagni, the town of Etna volcano in Sicily.

Cannabis seized by Italian police from home in Chiaramonte

Investigators say they found cannabis-flavored wine, olive oil, and tuna at their home in Chiaramonte, suggesting that the chef was trying cannabis-flavored food. In addition, Chiaramonte tells the police about the reason for possessing cannabis, saying that she was “agricultural food consultant in the 3rd millennium ” and “researched a new flavor”.

Chiaramonte has gained a reputation as a chef at Katane Palace Hotel in Catania , Italy, and later became a host of Italian cooking shows.

In addition, La Sicilia, an Italian daily newspaper, also reported on possession of Chiaramonte's cannabis, `` Santa Caterina SballOlives '' was written in the olive oil bottle with cannabis, and `` Kannamang '' was written in the wine bottle with cannabis That's right.

Catania, beccato con mezzo chilo di marijuana: «Sono uno chef, sperimento ricette alla cannabis»-La Sicilia

in Note, Posted by logu_ii