Image bulletin board `` 8chan '' used for crime advance notice of gun shooting incident and hand cut by Cloudflare recovers but immediately stops

CDN provider

Cloudflare has repeatedly proved that the image bulletin board ` ` 8chan '' posted by the criminal of the shooting shooting in El Paso, Texas on August 3, 2019 just before the crime was `` hate sewage '' 'The CDN service that was offered was terminated . 8chan, who went down, suddenly contracted with another CDN provider and resumed operation. However, because the CDN service itself has stopped, 8chan has been put into operation again.

Dumped by Cloudflare, 8chan gets back online—then gets kicked off again | Ars Technica

The culprit of El Paso's shooting was found to have posted a crime statement on the American Internet bulletin board 8chan just before the incident. As a result, 8chan was forced to shut down because Cloudflare stopped providing services to 8chan.

Cloudflare announces service termination to image bulletin board `` 8chan '' as affecting the shooting case-GIGAZINE

Cloudflare's CEO Matthew Prince points out that 8chan is likely to find a new CDN provider and get it up and running again. As expected, Ron Watkins, 8chan's administrator, said on Twitter that 'All domains have been removed from Cloudflare and will move to another service as soon as possible,' 8chan will soon be a new CDN provider called BitMitigate. It was revived by switching to.

BitMitigate is a CDN network similar to Cloudflare, but Cloudflare makes exceptions such as hate speech for its freedom of speech, whereas BitMitigate does not place any restrictions on which website Also offers a service. In 2017, “The Daily Stormer”, a website that claims neo-Nazi / white supremacy, has been revived using BitMitigate after being discontinued by Cloudflare.

Nicholas Lim, founder of BitMitigate, said that BitMitigate provided DDoS protection to The Daily Stormer, despite having a very contrasting belief regarding content The question is not “whether or not The Daily Stormer content exists”, but “the responsibility of technology companies to maintain consistency in protecting the right to freedom of expression as defined in the Constitution” Whether or not, 'he said, and said that he respects absolute freedom of speech.

Later, Lim sold BitMitigate to Epik, another company. Epik, who inherited BitMitigate's CDN provider business, said, “As long as we are legal, we will provide services. We are not a law enforcement expert. Will not stop the service to ',' also provides services to the anti-Semitic community.

However, BitMitigate rented a Voxility server instead of its own server and operated it for its own service. The fact that “the revived 8chan is in fact supported by Voxility” was pointed out on Twitter, and Voxility ’s Twitter account is “already working on this. All content will be blocked soon”.

And 8chan stopped operating in about 7-8 hours after the resurrection. “It seems that BitMitigate has been removed (from Voxility) because it hosted 8chan,” said admin Watkins.

Yet Watkins tweeted, “We are in the process of deregulating and moving forward with a strategy to bring the service back online,” suggesting that 8chan will be back again.

In Japan time, at 10 o'clock on August 6, 2019, 8chan was inactive and inaccessible.

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk