What is the reality of fraudulent emails that are being scammed over 30 billion yen each month?

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Although e-mail is widely used in business settings, fraudsters are also focusing on e-mails exchanged in business, and the number and damage of fraudulent e-mails posing as business e-mail has increased rapidly. You According to a survey by the Financial Crime Investigation Network (FinCEN) , it is reported that as much as $ 301 million (about 32.5 billion yen) of money will be fooled by fraudulent email every month in the United States alone in 2018.

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Financial Trend Analysis-FinCEN_Financial_Trend_Analysis_FINAL_508.pdf
(PDF file) https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/shared/FinCEN_Financial_Trend_Analysis_FINAL_508.pdf

Email scammers extract over $ 300 month from American suits' pockets • The Register

According to FinCEN, the number of business email frauds has risen sharply, with the number of cases that were around 500 in January 2016 rising to 1,100 in 2018. The amount of damage has also increased from $ 110 million (about 12 billion yen) per January 2016 to $ 301 million in 2018.

The most targeted targets for business email fraud are manufacturing and construction, accounting for 20% of damaged companies in 2017 and 25% in 2018. . In addition, business e-mail fraud targeting commercial service facilities such as shopping centers, entertainment facilities, and lodging facilities has been rapidly increasing from 2017 to 2018, and the ratio was 6% in 2017 to 18% in 2018. It seems to have become.

FinCEN also reports that fraudulent techniques are changing rapidly, and the percentage of “scam emails posing as individuals such as company CEOs and executives” accounted for 33% of the number of damages in 2017 On the other hand, in 2018 it dropped to a whopping 12%. On the other hand, “scams that disguised as an external organization” were hardly confirmed in 2017, but by 2018 it has become as much as 20% of the whole. The most common form of fraud since 2017 is “Scam emails using vendor or client invoices obtained by any means,” 30% of the total in 2017, 39% in 2018 Account for


Pavel Kunitsky

So far, FinCEN has cooperated with law enforcement agencies to block $ 500 million (about ¥ 54 billion) in business email fraud, and only $ 200 million (2017 only) About 21.6 billion yen).

In addition, FinCEN has created the latest advisory on business email fraud in conjunction with the FBI and the US Secret Service, and uses financial institutions to stop the damage of business email fraud. According to this advisory, financial institutions can stop business email fraud by sharing information about accounts that are likely to be involved in business email fraud.

'FinCEN is a global leader and innovator in combating business email fraud,' said Kenneth blanco, director of FinCEN, and will continue to work with law enforcement agencies and industry partners to further enhance US security. I would like to deepen cooperation of

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in Security, Posted by log1h_ik