Use of Twitter can adversely affect the intelligence of the best people

About Twitter, which is used by 126 million people a day all over the world, it was found that the better the results, the worse the test results of reading comprehension and memorization will be. ..
Let's tweet again? The impact of social networks on literature achievement in high school students: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial
(PDF file)

Twitter is not making you smarter and hurting your intelligence, new study finds --The Washington Post

This was announced by a research team led by Professor Jean Paolo Barbetta of the Faculty of Economics,
From 2016 to 2017, Professor Barbetta and his colleagues read the novel 'Il fu Mattia Pascal' by Nobel Prize in Literature writer Luigi Pirandello for about 1,500 students attending 70 high schools in Italy. I got it. Half of the students use Twitter to conduct online discussions, quoting novels, expressing their opinions, and replying to other people's tweets. The other half took the form of teaching in the classroom as before. And finally, we did a test to confirm our understanding of 'living Pascal'.
Living Pascal (Fukutake Bunko-Overseas Literature Series) | Luigi Pirandello, Ryofu Yonekawa | Books | Mail Order | Amazon
As a result of the test, the group using Twitter was negatively affected overall, and the average score of the test decreased by about 25-40% of the standard deviation. In particular, students with excellent grades, 'female,' 'born in Italy,' and 'higher baseline test scores,' were more likely to lose their grades.
Professor Barbetta said that the student's grades using Twitter declined, 'I misunderstood that I was able to absorb the contents of the book by RT the tweet about the contents of the book.' 'Time to read the book spends SNS. He pointed out that there are two causes: 'It has replaced.'
In addition, Professor Barbetta originally thought that the use of Twitter would produce positive results in this research. In response to this result, Professor Barbetta said that while more results are needed to draw conclusions about 'the negative effects of Twitter,' 'we should be more careful about how we use social media.' ..

by Marten Bjork
By the way, in a 2016 study by Professor Liu Ziming of San Jose State University, reading behavior has changed due to increased opportunities to read electronic documents on screens such as PC monitors and smartphones, and detailed reading and intensive reading. It has been pointed out that the time spent on reading is reduced and the continuous attention is reduced.
Reading behavior in the digital environment | Changes in reading behavior over the past ten years | Journal of Documentation | Vol 61, No 6
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