An attempt to save a post in the Internet archive before Google+ exits

Google's social network service " Google+ " has been announced that the service will end on April 2, 2019 . It is Google + which was to shorten the service life as a bug with the risk of leaking personal information for 50 million people, but it is Google +, but it has been posted in the past by the end of the service. There is a team struggling to save the "posts they have".
The Internet Archive is working to preserve public Google+ posts before it shuts down-The Verge
Google+ will be out of service on April 2, 2019, from which data on the platform will be removed. When this happens, past posts posted to Google+ will disappear forever from the Internet, so an archive team that archives valuable data on the Internet will store publicly available posts in the Internet archive . I have started trying.
The archive team announced on Reddit, an overseas bulletin board, that it has started an effort to save Google+ posts. It uses scripts to back up data, and it can save only public posts, and it can not back up private or deleted posts. In addition, the Internet Archive encourages people who do not want to archive their posts to delete their account, and guides them through the process of requesting deletion of specific content.
Saving of public Google+ content at the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine by the Archive Team has gun: plexodus

It is difficult for the archive team to archive all content on Google+, and the number of comments that can be archived per post is limited to 500. Also, as comments are only a subset of the post as static HTML, it is unclear whether they will be maintained as long as the discussion thread that is linked to the post.
Besides, the photo and movie content included in the post will not be saved at full resolution, but will be saved at reduced resolution.
An archiving project is accomplished using a tool called "Warrior" based on a "grabber" script that is run on a virtual machine (VirtualBox, VMWare, or other virtualization system) on a PC or server system Of. At the time of writing, Warrior is available from the following page, so you can also help archive team save activities.
ArchiveTeam Warrior-Archiveteam

It should be noted that the archiving team says, “Content archiving is limited by the speed at which the project progresses and its management. From past experience, the archiving team can quickly store amazing amounts of data, so it is generally It will be a success. "
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in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii