What is 'populism', which often has a bad impression?

by Ted Eytan

In recent years, I began to listen to the word populism especially, affecting presidential remarks and British departure from the EU. Regarding the political attitude of populism often giving a bad impression, including the question of why it is used in an unfavorable context, what kind of thought / attitude actually is population is called " Australian Catholic University Octavia Bryant and Mr. Benjamin Moffitt explain.

What actually is populism? And why does it have a bad reputation?

Populism itself is not a new concept, it has been with democracy for a long time. However, it seems to be difficult to define populism even among scholars. One of the reasons is that populism occurred in different ways at different times.

Through discussions on conceptual definitions, researchers have to "popularize for general people" to populism "The general public here stands against the elite of the ruler who hinders their own political will There is a tendency to think that there is a basic principle that "I must get it."

Two reasons are listed as reasons why such populism is often used in a bad meaning. First, many famous examples of populism appeared in extreme extreme right parties, because it was closely related to authoritarianism and the idea of prevention of immigration. However, the researchers point out that "idea of authoritarianism and immigration prevention" appeared as a feature of radical extremism, not characteristic of populism itself.

Secondly, a subjective populist that being away from existing values and universal thoughts often has a disruptive aspect and often appeals as having a solution that breaks the present situation It is said to be the cause of having a bad impression. Populists trying to change the current situation under the name of people, on the other hand, appear to threaten the social customs that many people evaluate.

Mr. Bryant and Mr. Mottet talked about President Trump 's anti - elitist radical ideology and South American leftist populism as examples, "populism is not an urgent issue everywhere, so that is why populism It is very important to understand how to recognize and understand how our popularism will shape our living democracy and whether we will move in a good direction or in a bad direction. " .

in Note, Posted by log1e_dh