The popularity of chess is not diminishing even if human beings can not win the computer


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Computers that appeared in the 20th century will not only be used as industrial machines, but will eventually make it possible to play board games including chess and shogi. Chess is already chess computers are getting better than human beings, but "The popularity of chess is still not waning", he was an economist and gained the title of Grand Master , the highest ranking of chess players in the past Kenneth Rogoff also said that.

Why Human Chess Survives by Kenneth Rogoff - Project Syndicate

In the past, it was thought that a computer had the game "death" by capturing a game and defeating the human champion. Actually when computers came up in the 1970's, Mr. Logo said that he thought of the same thing.

Mr. Rogoff, a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), had the opportunity to play against the chess program created by Richard Greenblat , a genius computer programmer. Greenblatt made a program to move chess pieces from any position and connected my own custom build box directly to MIT's mainframe.

Mr. Logoff, who fought against the program at the time, said, "The program had equal abilities as chess players belonging to the world's top clubs, but I was able to beat the program at all times." However, if the computer continues to evolve as it is, it seems that the computer would soon come to beat the chess world champion soon.


As Mr. Logoff feared, in 1997, chess world champion Garrie Kasparov and chess's supercomputer deep blue, developed by IBM, played against each other, deep by 2 wins, 1 loss, 3 draws out of 6 games Blue wins. I gave a great impact to the chess pros. Since the actual Deep Blue victory, organizers of the chess world competition said there was a time when it was difficult to collect the prize money from the sponsors.

At the present time more than 20 years since the chess world champion was defeated by Deep Blue, the top players of chess can not win against programs that can be installed on smartphones. However, chess does not fall into the dying crisis as the popularity of chess is declining, rather chess has become a game gaining popularity all over the world than ever. The reason is that because of the development of the Internet and computers, the environment where you can easily compete with the strong players around the world is established, and parents also think that it is better to play chess on the Internet rather than video games "Said Roogov.

Also, no matter how much the computer develops, the thought of the computer is different from the human thought, and it is not necessarily the case that imitating the computer's play completely does not lead to victory in a match between humans, Has become one of the factors that have not declined. Strong players who compete in the tournament also feel a difference between "chess by computer" and "chess by human", and after winning the game, after the match, "Although the best hand was different from a computer perspective , I often comment that I played the best as a human being. "

by jarmoluk

Meanwhile, cheat acts using computers are certainly a problem, players can not bring in mobile phones, and communication with the audience is also prohibited. If the cheat of the player is suspected but there is no confirmation as to the mechanism of the cheat, the final means "to check the movement of the player with the top computer program and disqualify the player if the coincidence rate is too high" There is also.

Especially at the big tournament where the total prize money is high, a very strict cheat countermeasure will be taken. At the World Chess Championships tournament in London held in November 2018, Chess' world champion Magnus Carlsen and Challenger Fabiano Caluana fought from 2013. At that time, they seemed to play in the space shielded by the polarizing glass so that they can not receive messages from the audience.

Both matches were very intense, and the battle in situations where even a slight mistake was not permitted until the end of the game was very wonderful. The game was brought to the tiebreak at the end of the 12 draws and Mr. Carlsen won the victory.

by klimkin

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik