Insertion song entitled 'Movie' ANEMONE / Symphonic Poem Eureka Seven High Evolution 'entitled' Ballet Mécanique 'Special MV Lifting

Special MV of " Ballet Mécanique (ballet mechanic)" which was used as an insertion song of the movie " ANEMONE / Eureka Seven High Evolution " and the title also became the original story of the 48th episode of TV animation became a ban . It covers Sakamoto Ryuichi's songs by Yukushimaru Ezeko + Yoshinori Sunahara, and MV will show cuts that have not appeared in special events and trailers so far.
Movie "ANEMONE / Eureka Seven High Evolution" Yukushimaru Etsuko + Yoshinori Sunahara "Ballet Mécanique" (short ver.) PV - YouTube
One of the undisclosed cuts looks like this. Running Eureka and Anemone, behind it a huge giant gulliver. As a person who is not yet watching the movie, it is a piece I do not understand anything whatsoever, but it is also a work with such a place.

In "ANEMONE / Eureka Seven High Evolution", it was previously announced that the active middle school student artist RUANN is in charge of the ending theme "There's No Ending", but "Ballet Mécanique" was used as the insertion song Because the information that it is being lost was supposed to be surprised when hearing that it flowed as an inserted song at a movie theater.
Etsuko Yukushima who was in charge of music + Yoshinori Sunahara

The jacket looks something like this.

The 48th episode "Ballet Mechanic", titled "Ballet Mécanique" titled in subtitles, is an anemone that has been standing in front of the protagonists Renton and Eureka over and over until the "true Exhaustion in the form of monologue as "feelings of mind". Dominic that is being kicked by such anemone is one of the best name episodes in the process of betting out life to save an anemone.
Ishii · Feng Shui · Anemone that appears in this work is a character with a background completely different from the anemone drawn in the TV series, which is similar for Dominic, but the point that Dominic takes care of anemone and saves it I am in common.
On YouTube, the first 10 minutes video and PV such as "Tiger Track" being used in the same way as "Ballet Mécanique" are released, so please also take a look here as well.
Movie "ANEMONE / Symphonic Psalm Eureka Seven High Evolution" at the beginning 10 minutes video - YouTube
Movie "ANEMONE / Symphonic Psalm Eureka Seven High Evolution" KAGAMI "Tiger Track" PV - YouTube
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