NASA's investigation reveals that there are multiple icebergs that are just like 'tofu'
In the latter half of October 2018, it became a topic that the "squared iceberg" which is not a natural product could be found in Antarctica. The appearance of the iceberg which only looks like it was processed by human hands surprised many people's eyes, but in fact NASA's survey says that several such icebergs have been found.
Weird Rectangular Iceberg Is not Alone in Antarctica, NASA Photos Show
The iceberg with a right angle "rim" as if it had been cut off with a huge sawdust was said to be "Tofu (Tofu)" in French media. Jeremy Habek, a researcher at NASA who took this picture, said, "Although I often see an iceberg with a relatively straight edge, I first saw those with two right angles. I thought that it was interesting that it was just photogenic, so I took it with a mischievous heart. "Herbeck's aim was to spread this picture all around the world.
This iceberg was discovered in NASA's research mission " IceBridge ". A project to observe the state of Greenland in the Arctic Circle and the iceberg in the vicinity of Antarctica using aircraft and artificial satellites, the state of the iceberg, ice sheet , shelf ice and sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Ocean in three dimensions It is measured and recorded.
IceBridge Mission Overview | NASA
"Tofu type iceberg" was photographed during the investigation flight conducted on October 16, 2018. Herbeck et al. 'S team was conducting a survey of the super - giant iceberg " A - 68 " separated from the Larsen C shelf ice on the east coast of the Antarctic Peninsula in July 2017. A - 68 was an iceberg with a mass that was also truly one trillion tons, the iceberg that is about the same size as the Delaware state, the second smallest in the USA.
One trillion tons of ice chunks finally separated from the Larsen C shelf in Antarctica, what is its impact? - GIGAZINE
In the same survey, Mr. Harvec's team found another "tofu type iceberg" and was photographing. Though this one is not as much as the first iceberg, it is understood that many people are floating in the sea in a form that I think intuitively is "a square". The extensive white part that is visible beyond this iceberg is A-68.
You can check a lot of pictures and movies taken by Mr. Harvek's team with Flickr.
Operation IceBridge: Tabular Iceberg, 2018 Antarctic Campaign | Flickr
Even with the images from the camera attached to the aircraft's nose, it can be confirmed that there are several "icebergs of the shape" and the shape close to it, as shown below.
It is truly spectacular beautiful nature, but on the other hand it is also true that shelf ice has disappeared from Antarctica in this way.
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