Portrait of AI work which was auctioned for the first time in the world is bidding for 50 million yen

"A painting painted by AI" was exhibited for the first time in the world as a world famous auction house. Initially it was revealed that AI's portrait that was expected to be a successful bid at about 10,000 dollars (about 1.1 million yen) was awarded at 432,500 dollars (about 50 million yen) more than 40 times that It is.
Portrait made by artificial intelligence sold for $ 432 K at Christie's
Christie's sells its first AI portrait for $ 432,500 - The Verge
With the development of AI technology new products and services such as automatic driving cars, voice assistants and medical technologies that find disease can be created one after another. First of all, as an attempt to apply the AI technology applied and applied in the engineering world to the world of art (art), efforts are made to draw AI paintings.
Obvious of the artist group created a painting using AI. Obvious said that AI had portraits drawn by training about 15,000 portraits set in a data set as a machine learning algorithm called Gerative Adversarial Network (GAN).
Work named " Edmond de Belamy " produced by GAN AI.
#AuctionUpdate The first AI artwork to be sold in a major auction achieves $ 432,500 after a bidding battle on the phones and via ChristiesLive https://t.co/XiDVxVGa1n pic.twitter.com/7dxirT55i8
- Christie's (@ ChristiesInc) 25th October 2018
What a sign, "Formula used in algorithm" was included as a sign.
This work is to be sent to auction house Christie's. According to Christie's, "A portrait made by AI that was exhibited in the main auction house for the first time in the world".

The expected winning bid price of the world's first AI art "Edmond de Belamy" was estimated to be between $ 7,000 and $ 10,000 (about 800,000 to 1.1 million yen). However, in fact, it was decided to be awarded at a high price that is much higher than the expectation of 432,500 dollars (about 50 million yen).
Attempts to produce art by AI have become a big topic because of high bid prices, but at the same time they are also discussing the copyright of the work. One is a discussion on whether AI can accept copyright. Even though there is no objection to the fact that an economic copyright is accepted, opinions are likely to be divided in terms of how much recognition rights are granted on the premise that it is a human being, such as moral rights of the author.
Also, when creating "Edmond de Belamy" Obvious uses the code of another AI artist, Robbie Barrat, as a problem. Since Robbie Barrat's code is open as an open license, there is a problem of whether it is possible to assert the complete copyright of AI work created using open source code.
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