We are looking for a Y combinator that can realize the four technologies to reduce carbon dioxide from the earth

Extraordinary weather occurring on a global scale is thought to be produced by climate change , the main cause of which is the rapid rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, or greenhouse gas concentration. Venture capital · Y combinator, which is also said to be the "Silicon Valley's Strongest Startup Training School" to reduce carbon dioxide which is surely exerting a great influence on the global environment is recruiting startups that can realize four technologies I will.
Carbon Removal Technologies | YC Request for Startups
In order to stop climate change due to an increase in carbon dioxide concentration, "reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere" is the biggest measure. However, although there are several stages, there is also a point that the stage of "reducing greenhouse gas emissions" is already too late. This is a "positive feedback" that greenhouse gases increase further due to the release of methane that is asleep on the ocean carbon dioxide and permafrost owing to the temperature risen by greenhouse gases that has been increased too much It is said that it is falling into.
Discussion that 'reports on climate change announced by UN agencies are too optimistic' - GIGAZINE

The important point here is that "the increase in greenhouse gas is caused by self-reinforced positive feedback". In order to keep the global climate in a safe area, it is estimated that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere needs to stay at 350 ppm, but as of the year 2008 when the report was announced, It already showed 385 ppm. Furthermore, in May 2018 the value has increased to 410 ppm, and this value is said to be the highest figure in past 800,000 years. It means that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen in the past 10 years to a value far exceeding the "dangerous area" that the report showed.
In order to cut off the vicious circle in which carbon dioxide attracts more carbon dioxide, the idea that human beings actively need to reduce carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is a new requirement for Startups (RFS ) It is said that it is in the background. To that end, the Y combinator lists four approaches: "absorb in the ocean", "absorb by geochemistry", "use enzymes" and "green the desert".
◆ Absorb into the sea <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Loading ... Uploading in the ocean <br> A method to store carbon dioxide in photosynthesis using extremely stable conditions, Using plankton, you can expect reusable and scalable effects on any scale.
Ocean Phytoplankton | YC Request for Startups
In theory, 9.167 kg of carbon dioxide can be absorbed in 1 year with algae of 1 square meter, so by expanding it globally, theoretically, 47.0 billion tons of carbon dioxide is fixed annually It becomes possible to make it.

◆ "Geochemistry" to be absorbed by geochemistry means that minerals such as rocks combine with the surrounding carbon dioxide and become in a stable state. It is necessary to take countermeasures with the global time flow in the reaction, but it seems that you can expect a big effect.
Electro-Geo-Chemistry | YC Request for Startups
It is theoretically possible to adsorb carbon dioxide from 90 billion tons to 900 billion tons per year, and carbon dioxide-bound minerals will ultimately sink to the bottom of the ocean, resulting in long-term storage of carbon dioxide I will.

◆ Using enzymes - Although it is a method of using enzymes produced by microorganisms, if you release certain microorganisms in the ocean, it is possible that the balance of the ecosystem will be disturbed and produce undesirable results. Therefore, a method of immobilizing carbon dioxide by using an enzyme that does not require microorganisms is considered.
Cell Free Systems | YC Request for Startups
As an enzyme candidate, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase , common name " Rubis CO " is mentioned. However, since RubisCO is also known as an extremely inefficient enzyme, it is important how to clear the problem for practical use.

◆ Greening the Desert <br> 10% of the Earth's surface area is occupied by the desert. Desert which is a "barren land" has a function to raise the temperature by absorbing a large amount of solar energy while being a place where utilization is low such that crops do not grow and creatures can not inhabit. In order to immobilize carbon dioxide by making innumerable oases in such deserts and allowing photosynthesis in the aforementioned "algae".
Desert Flooding | YC Request for Startups
The amount of carbon dioxide that can be absorbed by making an oasis of 1 square km area to 4.5 million is estimated to be 41 billion tons.

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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log