Air leakage occurs on the International Space Station, and a drop in atmospheric pressure is confirmed

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It was confirmed on August 29, 2018 (Wednesday) that the atmospheric pressure is falling within the International Space Station (ISS). As a result of the investigation, it turned out that the Russian Soyuz spacecraft connected to the ISS was damaged by minute meteor shower dust .
International Space Station Status - Space Station
Small Air Leak Detected on International Space Station
Astronauts patch small hole occurrence pressure leak on Russian ...
International Space Station crew repair leak in Russian craft | Science | The Guardian
Slow leak detected aboard Space Station | Alexander Gerst's Horizons Blog

On the night of August 29, 2018 (Wednesday, 2018), the ISS control center has been reported that "air leak" occurred at ISS. Although air pressure temporarily decreased the pressure of ISS due to air leakage, according to NASA 's announcement, there was no danger to ISS astronauts.
It was around 19 o'clock on the 29th that NASA realized the incident. NASA's flight controller judged that "the danger is small" because the pressure drop was very small, and the astronauts of the day seemed to have taken a sleep as it was.
The next day, the US Aeronautics and Space Administration in Houston, USA and the flight controllers in the Russian mission control center told the ISS astronauts that the problem is occurring and started to identify where air leaks are occurring . As a result of the investigation, it turned out that air leakage occurred from Soyuz MS - 09 . Dmitry Rogozin of the Russian Space Agency · Ros Cosmos said the astronauts discovered that the aircraft was slightly damaged by small meteor shower dust .
Discovered was a small hole of about 2 mm in diameter and it was said that the pressure drop gradually became a temporary restoration with the Kapton tape. In addition, the flight controllers have instructed the astronauts to restore longer lasting.

by skeeze
European Space Agency (ESA) has left a few weeks worth of air to the ISS, that the safety and health of the crew are protected has announced . The situation of ISS is being updated from time to time on NASA's blog, and at the time of article creation it was stated that "the system of all stations is stable and the crew will return to a regular schedule on Friday" It was.
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