What is the problem with 'Hypocognition' that recognition and behavior change because 'there is no word'?
by Ben White
Such as "calling the gesture that gently touches the hair of a loved one" as "CAFUNÉ (cajne)" in Brazilian languages such as "nonexistent words" and "nonexisting concepts" There are various things depending on the country. " Hypocognition ", which refers to lack of such language or cognitive expression, also affects human recognition and behavior. What problem does Hypocognition cause, Mr. Kaidi Wu of the University of Michigan sociologist says.
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Unknown Unknowns: The Problem of Hypocognition - Scientific American Blog Network
"Hypocognition" is a word indicating "lack of language or cognitive expression for objects" made by anthropologist Robert Levy. When Levy studied Tahitian words for 26 months, he realized that Tahiti does not have words to express grief or guilt. People in Tahiti said that when a familiar person died the expression "sad" rather than the expression "sick" or "strange feeling" was used. Levy considers that the lack of a framework to think about and express sadness is part of the high suicide rate of Tahitian people.
Hypocognition is not limited to Tahitian people, it exists at our daily level. For approximately two-thirds of Americans the concept of compound interest is Hypocognition, and for one-third Americans type 2 diabetes is also Hypocognition. By not knowing these words, people are going bankrupt or they can not receive the necessary treatment despite recognizing the symptoms of the disease. Hypocognition explains that when it exists in "medium" of one culture, Hypocognition explains that it makes it difficult to see the culture, and in order to "see" the "invisible" it departs from that culture.
For example, in Russia, dark blue (sinii) and light blue (goluboi) are treated as distinct colors, but in English they are treated as "blue". Research shows that English speakers are liable to confuse blue differences , but this is due to the fact that there is no visual difference and there is no clear difference as a language.
The problem caused by Hypocognition like this also affects things at emotional level. For example, in the Yagan language, "meaning that two people who want or want to do the same thing do not say anything and understand each other (both do not want to make a word)" with mamihlapinatapai word exists, but people of culture that does not have a term mamihlapinatapai is, should it is difficult to express the feelings. Also, like the time of watching a baby, "The unavoidable impulse when you want to embrace cute things" is called Tagalog "giggle".
by Carlos Martinez Follow Message
Furthermore, although it is impossible to express in English, although it can not be expressed in English, it can not be expressed in English, although it is impossible to express in English, although it is impossible to describe "the feelings of a man who asked for misbehaving acts to make breakfast while knowing that his wife is busy, It is also shown that it can be expressed. In this case the man felt that he was "loved" through "that my wife cooked breakfast despite being badly requested" instead of "my wife made breakfast" I will.
It is important to recognize Hypocognition, but on the other hand, when you encounter Hypocognition as you know foreign culture, there is a danger that you can be regarded as "foreign things" or "strange things" when you encounter Hypocognition. Even though it is inherently meaningful, he misses thinking "I do not care about myself".
On the other hand, if the reaction to Hypocognition flips in the opposite direction, it is possible that it will be in a state called Hypercognition (over recognition) this time. For example, in recent years the term "psychological stress" has come to be used frequently. Therefore, in reality, although the relationship between psychological stress and physical illness is very complicated and uncertain, many people use the word "psychological stress" excessively.
It is said that a typical English speaker will deal with the 48,000 words written in the dictionary by the age of 60. Even if you have such a capability it is inevitable that you will be hooked into the trap of Hypocognition without knowing it. Therefore, Mr. Wu said that recognizing the existence of the word "Hypocognition" might make life more wise and prosperous.
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