Film director Gusper-Noe's new work 'Climax' trailer that creates problematic work one after another and provokes audiences

Twenty men and women who gathered for the rehearsal of dance, someone drinking sangria with LSD , can not reveal the power of dragging and enters the psychedelic world ... ... the movie " A trailer of " Climax " has been released. Some dancers feel like paradise, others are dropped in hell, and each trip experience, people who are looking at it seems to be getting dizzy. The director draws a rape scene for about nine minutes at " Alex " and Mr. Gasper Noe that the exit has been continued on the way at the Cannes Film Festival.
Climax | Official Trailer HD | A24 - YouTube
A woman who answers "What if she could not dance?" Asked, "Well, I am suicidal".

"What is dance for you?" Asked, "All is good"

The stage was in the 90's. Such a dancer will perform a three day training camp for rehearsal.

Dance that can be fierce.

And one male to be asked, "Would you do anything for dancing?"

On the final day of the training camp, dancers who finish rehearsal and talk with each other.

What are you drinking ......

A large amount of Sangria in the bowl.

The bright atmosphere gradually changes.

A woman entering the dark with a dark appearance.

"Can you keep a secret?"

And as we go towards the red room where the female cries resonate ...

The world will be upside down.

Twenty dancers in a strange atmosphere dance and go crazy.

Some laugh and turn around ......

Some also scream at close range.

Twenty people who trip are dancing and dancing and dancing.

Meanwhile, people who experience bad trips and see hell can also make brawls.

A woman running around with the body on fire.

Two intertwining women.

A man who tears off her hair.


Take out the knife ......

Some people who are trapped in some way.

"Those who will not kill you will strengthen you"

And while screaming in the distance, a dancer headed towards the direction of the light with an unstable footstep.

The movie is scheduled to be released in France on September 19, 2018, and the release date in Japan is undecided at the time of writing the article.
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