Movie that approached the world's last person of 'Oguchi painter' who draws beautiful pictures on the side of the book

In Europe there is a decoration technique of " Fore-Edge Painting " that draws pictures on the side of thick books. In Japan, " retail this is also referred to as picture" technique is no longer seen little in recent years, a movie that was approaching the world last retail painter has been published on YouTube.
A Hidden Art Form You'll Flip For
Small algae is a magical painting.

It can not be seen by the eyes of ordinary people but only by those who know a special way of seeing small faces.

Even though I could see a small fancy painting ... ....

It disappears in a blink of an eye in a blink of an eye.

Mr. Martin Frost, who lives in the UK, is the only man who works as a small entrepreneur in the world.

It is Mr. Frost's job to draw a picture in a small book.

Mr. Frost's portrait painting looks beautiful if you slightly diagonally slide out pages that line a small book in books ... ...

When you restore the page, it will be out of sight immediately.

It seems that the side of a book with a small fancy paint is painted in gold, so when you look at the side you do not notice that a small picture is being built.

History of small picture dates back to around 1660 ... ...

It became very popular in the 18th century.

Mr. Frost seems to have met a person who draws a small fancy while working as an illustrator.

"He showed me a job with a small picture"

"When I saw it, I thought" This would be interesting! ", Mr. Frost said about the opportunity of interest in Koguchi.

Mr. Frost encountered a small fancy for over 40 years ago.

A book asking Mr. Frost to draw a small fancy is said to be an antique old book mostly.

Mr. Frost took out an old Shakespearean book.

This book, which was made of leather made in the 1860's, has a small fancy painting ... ...

By opening the page just in the middle, it is a mechanism to see a different picture on the left and right.

In this book that was published in the 1920's ... ...

Two mermaids were drawn.

Actually, there seems to be a further mechanism in this book ... ...

When I tilted the page to the other side, a picture different from the previous mermaid appeared. It seems that it is possible to draw two pictures one on top of the other, even with a small piece of pencil.

Many people said that "How long does it take to make a picture of a small entrance?" Frost asked.

Although it seems that there are times when it can be drawn in a few hours if it is a very small book ... ...

If it is an ordinary size book, Mr. Frost replied that it takes about a day and a half to two days.

When it comes to a book like a huge Bible, it may take a week to complete.

The charge is almost proportional to the time to completion ... ...

If it is a book that takes a week, Mr. Frost says it will cost nearly 700 pounds (about 100,000 yen).

What Mr. Frost took out from a thick case ......

Harry Potter 's small picture. It is processed like a shimmering glittering lame and I can not imagine it was drawn on the side of the book.

Although the picture disappeared when the book was closed, the lamination processing remained as it was and the book was made to shine beautifully.

Mr. Frost said, "As far as I can tell, I am the only commercial minigame painter in the world."

"I will continue to draw as long as my eyes can see and my hands move," Frost said.

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