Screaming chicken toy playing superb classical classics 7 million times or more movie played topics

A movie playing Johann Pachelbel 's " Canon " using a chicken toy 'Shocking Chicken' shouting violently when pushed over the abdomen is a topic of exceeding the number of reproductions of 7.3 million at the time of article creation I will. Mr. Eddie Chen of " TwoSet Violin " who is uploading various jokes movies on the theme of classical music is playing.
Pachelbel's Canon in C (hicken)
- TwoSet Violin (@ TwoSetViolin) July 15, 2018
Mr. Chen pushes the stomach of surprised chicken with a serious look. I play the melody with the voice "Ah!".

Eventually it has increased to 2 parts ...

It increases to 3 parts. Even with the barking lacking of the tension of the surprised chicken, it is surprising that the tone is correctly overlapped and the harmony is firmly making up.

Bass part has also joined, evolving to 4 part organization.

The movement of fine notes reproduced by repeatedly hitting the belly of chicken finely. The figure of continuing to play with a serious look until the end was exactly that of a professional musician.

TwoSet Violin also released a movie played with chicken surprisingly in classical classics on his own YouTube channel as well as on Twitter.
For example, in the following movie, the solo part of the trumpet at the beginning of Gustav Mahler 's symphony No. 5 first movement is reproduced. Originally it is a fanfare with funerary marching style and tension, but there is atmosphere that seems to have gone out anyway when it is played with the scream of chicken.
Mahler 5 Chicken Solo - YouTube
In addition, the following movie is a duet with the violin, playing " beautifully blue Danube " by Johann Strauss II . In keeping with the beautiful violin melody, surprised audiences like chicken striking a bad mood.
J. Strauss - The Blue Danube Waltz (Chicken Version) - YouTube
Although TwoSet Violin, which usually publishes a movie with a joke movie and a musician, Eddie Chen and Mr. Brett Yang are both violinists who plays a role in a professional orchestra and has served as a concert master Have a skill of skill as much as there is. Their serious performance can be seen in the following movies.
Classical Violin vs Pop Violin - YouTube
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